(H) 412 Dps DH LF M or H Raid Team

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DM me Here Mazorin#1813
Looking for a weekday Raid team Nothing More then two days. At or After 8pm est but no start times after 10pm est.
My current Progression is 4/9M with 2/2H CoS
Ilvl is 412 with a 47 Neck
I currently play on Zul’Jin but I am Willing to Transfer servers but not faction.
I’m not looking for anything Hardcore those day are in my past i just want to log on have fun with some like minded people kill Pixels and get phat loots.
If you are interested in This post your spam here so I can maul it over.

Hey good luck in your search! My guild is looking for 4-5 more dependable dps to push us into mythic progression. While we are pretty casual in rerms of raid hours, we make quick work of bosses while in there.

Exiled is an AOTC focused raiding guild located on the server Turalyon. While our focus is AOTC, we will dabble in Mythic raiding once all content has been cleared. We are currently 9/9H BoD and 2/2H CoS looking to start pushing into Mythic BoD as the roster allows.

RAID TIMES: Currently we raid Wednesday and Thursday from 8pm-10pm est.

RAID EXPECTATIONS: Our raid times are short, so during those 2 hour windows want to be pulling. Due to our time constraints we dont want to have to explain every encounter with every pull. Discord in between pulls is typically laughing and joking around, but during the pull communication is focused on what we are doing. We expect you to come prepared with everything you will need for the encounter i.e. pots, watching videos, and properly enchanted/gems. We provide most everything except for your pots, all you need to do is ask.

ATMOSPHERE OUTSIDE OF RAID: We are a guild comprised of mostly late 20s to late 30s year old working adults. We all are typically in discord joking around with each other posting memes or picking on the Demon Hunter. Our sense of humor tends towards the dark side, so really nothing you say will offend anyone. Most of us are on almost every night running mythic plus, leveling alts, or just hanging out playing other games.

Needs: We are looking for a 2-3 more healers and DPS. However if the atmosphere sounds like something your interested in, we are always recruiting social players.

If any of this sounds interesting to you please dont hesitate to contact me on discord: taurast#9407 or bnet: taurast#1518 or Nicknac on discord/bnet: theblizzur#1777
Good luck Have fun and Sorry about your key!

Warfare is a newly formed guild on Turalyon horde!
This guild is formed of previous CE (or close to CE raiders)
Raid times are Tuesday-Thursday 9:30-12:30 est
We are willing to teach anyone who wants to learn
If this sounds appealing to you feel free to add our recruitment officer on bnet! Vak#11366 :slight_smile:

Hi Mazorin, my guild is looking for a experienced demon hunter. We raid Tuesday and Wednesday 7-10pm PST(10-1am EST) We are currently 9/9H, 1/9M BOD and 2/2H COS. On our offnights our guildies are very active pushing keys, doing pvp, achievements, etc. Here is the link to our recruitment post with all of our info < LökTar >[H] 3/8M experienced guild LF ranged and melee - #16 by Galorina-hyjal

Feel free to contact me on btag to chat further Galorina#1877

<Twilight Realm> is a long standing Guild of 10+ years. We are looking for dedicated players to progress through CoS and beyond. We are currently 9/9 H BoD. 2/2N & 1/2H CoS. Our goal is to have fun while having steady progression towards ahead of the curve. We’re always looking to improve our progress from tier to tier and look to find players willing to put in the effort. Keep in mind though that we’re not only recruiting raiders. If you’re new and you would like to get into raiding, or if you’re a social player who’s just looking for a friendly new home, we’ll welcome you with open arms. We have plenty of members in the guild who don’t raid but we love them all the same.

Who are we recruiting?

At this point, almost any class/role is welcome. We are looking for some tank/heal offspecs. We need some solid melee DPS who know their utilities (interrupts/stuns/slows/etc). We need some solid ranged DPS who know their utilities as well.

What we expect from you:

Reliability & attendance. We expect you to show up on time and prepared for raid.(>90% but if you can’t let us know in our discord.) We are very understanding that real life gets in the way.

Keep your gear gemmed and enchanted, etc. Make sure you are flasking every raid.

Listen to the raid lead and healers when they speak, and watch a video or 2 of new content before we attempt it.

Raid experience is a huge plus but not completely required.

We use tools such as logs, WowAnalyzer and class/role officers to help you get there.

Eagerness to learn and improve. Be open to constructive criticism.

You’ll need to have discord, but you don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.

We don’t care if you’re brand new or a seasoned vet. We have a mix of all skill levels and like it that way. Be willing to listen and share ideas during raids.

What to expect from us:

Expect to laugh and have a good time, remember, this is a game first after all, enjoy yourself! Feasts and most other raid mats if you need them will be provided as we get closer to downing each new boss. If you need something, don’t be afraid to ask: help with an achievement, transmog runs, timewalking, mythic+, old raids for mounts, pvp, etc. All members are 18+ and mostly students/working, and so the guild (Discord) is most active in the evenings. All events are in the evening. We are all pretty chill people, and we like to keep it that way.

Side note: we would LOVE to get enough people to push mythic content and make a separate mythic raiding group. We are hoping to expand the guild and get that started this expansion.

We also have some available spots in guild listed here:

Back up raid lead.

Recruiting officer(3 open).

Profession officer.

Regular officers.

Faction, Server & Region:

Horde faction on US-Thrall

Raid Times:

Normal Farm Clear: Tuesday @ 9:25pm – 12:00pm EST. Heroic Progression Days: Wednesday, Friday @ 9:25pm -12:30pm EST


As with changes made with Personal Loot, We only ask if you do not need something, please put it up for roll for other guildies who might need it. Honesty will go very far here.

Contact Info:

Feel free to contact me about any questions regarding the guild. (GM here)

Discord: Zeldiia#9153 (:

Battlenet: Darkhuntress#1157 (:

Hey Mazorin,
I would be very interested in talking with you!
We are 6/9M with sub 15% wipes on mekka, we have a core spot open for a Demon Hunter. We raid Wednesday/Thursday from 830-1230 EST.
If this works for you feel free to add me

Hey there we have a horde guild that is 5/9M we raid TUE/WED 915-1215 Eastern. Busy/active guild w/ alt/heroic runs, RBGs and M+. LMK if interested in chatting more!


Hey we’re pushing the late limits on your time preference but check us out if you’re interested in a solid AoTC guild.

Dad Bod is a horde heroic raiding guild on the Turalyon server. We formed during Legion and have been AoTC every tier since. Our members enjoy all aspects of the game, including m+, pvp, and achievement/mog runs. We are made up of adults, mostly dads, with lives, careers, and families. We’d love to push hardcore and thrive like the good ol’ days, but we just don’t have the time to worry about mythic progression. Our focus is on our members and we try to support each other as much as possible.
If you’re looking for a laid back home who has repeatedly been successful and active despite the roster roller coaster, look no further!
Our raid nights are currently Sun/Wed 10:00pm to 12:30am eastern time. If you’d like to discuss more, please reach out to me via:
Bnet: gnome4life#1832
Discord: Kentorus#0661 (best option for quick responses)

< Solidarity > Is a newly formed guild with members that have been playing together for over a year with 6/9 M BoD and 2/2 H CoS experience looking for active members who want to raid. We are looking for raiders that want to work on clearing BoD mythic now but not focus on CE. We would like to get enough active members now to get ready for pushing CE in the next tier in 8.2. Casual spots are available. Current members do PVP and M+.

Raid Times:
Tues & Thur 9:45pm-12:45am EST

Current Needs:

Be on time to raid
Have food/pre-pots
Learn fights if needed


We’re recruiting on Zul’jin!