Hi there!
Kinsmen is a guild with a rich and longstanding history stretching all the way back to Classic WoW times. Having been on Alliance side for most of our history we moved over to team red at the start of Ny’alotha with a new focus on dedicating to Mythic raiding while maintaining a casual schedule and atmosphere.
In Kinsmen we realize that WoW is a first and foremost a game and as such put a heavy emphasis on finding the fun in the game and our community without the gripes of elitism, but while still being able to progress at a strong pace.
Outside of our raids we have a lively community of people running arenas, mythic+, optional alt raids and the occasional guild movie or gamenight.
Currently Recruiting:
Tanks: Recruitment closed.
Healers: Holy Paladin
DPS: Enhancement Shaman, Mage, strong candidates are always encouraged to apply!
Raid Times:
Our raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9-12PM EST
What we expect of our raiders
- Intimate knowledge of your role, class and spec(s)
- Be on time and be prepared. Cauldrons and feasts are supplied by the guild, rest is personal responsibility
- Flexibility in terms of player rotation. Expect to be sat on some fights for class/strategy related reasons or rotating people in during farm bosses
If you’re interested in joining us you can find us on the in-game guild recruitment, by adding me on Battle.net at Shando#2762 or on Discord Shando#0454
Thanks for your time!
Update, downed 3 progression fights this reset and we’re now on a whopping 10/12 HC. Still recruiting so please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Bump! AOTC has been achieved and we’re now recruiting to start up possible mythic progression!
Update! After a small post AOTC break we’re jumping back into raiding the coming reset. Still recruiting as per OP!
Recruitment has been updated - Currently seeking ranged dps, healers and a full-time/backup tank!
Recruitment updated! Mythic progression hype
452 enchance/ 450 resto, Looking to join you guys. I have Heroic/Mythic experience from the beginning of the expansion. Trying to find a proper guild to hang out with and shoot the breeze. btag Sinfulicious#1863
Hi Taksiro, at this moment we’re looking for mythic ready people for our main raid team. You’re of course welcome to join for heroic runs but if you’re looking to raid with us for NWC then I’m afraid at this point we can’t accommodate you.
I am fine with not being part of the mythic progression at this time as I am well aware of my gear level but would not mind getting to that point of being mythic ready.
Hey sorry for the late reply, been a few busy days for me. Poke me or any member when I’m around ingame later and we’ll get you in the guild and get you sorted
Updated with new progress, still recruiting!
Join us! we are cool I promise.
Updated in prep for SL and prepatch!
I just sent you a friend request! I’m super interested in connecting!
Hey Demaia, been trying to catch you on bnet for a few days now, could you add me on Discord as well for a chat?
Salutations! With a new Shadowlands release date we’re back on the recruiting train. Check the original post to see what we’re recruiting!
Recruitment updated! Looking for people to start dashing into Castle Nathria next week!
Post updated and reformatted! Currently recruiting!!
Bumperino, progress updated!