(H)402 Mage lf mythic progression

CTRL ALT ELITE is a Mythic raiding guild on the Mal’Ganis server. The guild has been around since November 2011 with the intention of clearing content at a respectable pace while still realizing real life takes priority. In order to ensure we are able to clear content and have a stable raiding roster our members and applicants must mesh with the guild. This is an integral part of maintaining a strong community. We are seeking players who are not only competent and competitive, but dependable above all else in the long term.

Sever: US – Mal’Ganis – Horde
Raid Times: Tues & Wed 7-10:30cst
Progression: 7/8M Uldir & 1/9M BoD

Contact: Ruwon#1911
Discord: Ruwon#6180

Needs: Mage / H Paladin

Would be interested in adding a mage.

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517

[H] - [Illidan]

Raid Times:

Monday-Thurs 8:00pm - 12:00am EST

If you have any questions feel free to msg me through battletag.



US 53 M G’huun
US 22 M Argus
US 22 M Kil’Jaeden
US 21 M Gul’dan
US 50 M Helya
US 10 M Xavius
US 28 M Archimonde

<Club House> is a Horde guild on the server Kil’Jaeden and has been together for 10 years! We have server firsts and other experienced players within our raid. Currently we have downed 3/8m Mythic BoD and looking to solidify our roster going forward.

3/9 M BoD
9/9 H BoD (AoTC Week 1)
8/8M Uldir CE
8/8 H Uldir (AoTC Week 1)
11/11 M Antorus CE

We raid Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9pm-Midnight PST with the occasional Monday raid if needed for content pushes.

What we need from you:
We’re a mature guild so 18+ only please.
Please have a working headset. (Push to talk during raids)
We expect all of our raiders to be raid ready! That means Fully gem’d and Properly enchanted, food, flasks, pots and runes.
be at the raid instance BEFORE the start time of 9pm.
Knowledge of your class and boss fights.
Be able to handle constructive criticism and the occasional trolling.
Past warcraft logs.
Have a good time.

Currently we’re looking for:
Shadow Priest
Demon Hunter

clubhouse enjin com/recruitment

or add Sosleepy#11248

Hope to hear from you soon!
Happy Hunting.

<Afro Ninjas> raids from 6PST - 9PST Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

We are currently 5/9M, US 118

Ultimately we believe in Players over Pixels. Our recruiting method searches for recruits fitting our Player Profile. Enjoying this game is about enjoying the time we spend with the people while killing bosses. However this does not mean we do not look at raiding seriously and hold each member accountable for their performance.

You fit our Player Profile and you should join if: ,

  1. You are frequently on discord interacting with both social and raider guild members.

  2. You play often outside of raid time looking with both guild members or pugs.

  3. You are looking to be in a raid team full of other players committed to the same goals of a social raiding guild.

  4. You put in preparation time before raids watching videos, breaking down logs, and helping other players in the guild actively improve their play.

  5. You value competition in raiding environment.

  6. You seek to build friendships on this game while constantly looking to grow as a player and grow with the players around you.

  7. You are personally accountable for your performance and improvement.

Trial Periods are varied in length based on performance, attendance, and time of recruitment. Trials can run from 2-3 weeks or longer if you join at the end of a tier and not during progression. During the trial time, you are applicable for everything a normal raider is. Performance is a baseline trait. During Trial Periods we are looking for cultural fits and attendance.

You can apply on our website or contact an officer in game

To speak with a recruitment officer: Wsedecus#1924

<Really Bad Players>
Really Bad Players is a Cutting Edge, long-standing, adult guild seeking dedicated raiders for our mythic progression. We are a close group of players who have been raiding together for years. We’re looking for players with personality, competitive drive, and the desire to become part of our family.

  • 8/8 M Uldir; 3/9 M BoD
  • Sunday & Monday from 7:00 to 11:00 PM PST
  • Horde (US-Blackrock)

Since we raid so little we require our raiders to have 90% or better attendance. We only raid two nights per week for a total of eight hours. We will never, ever add an additional night of mandatory raiding.

Outside of mythic raiding, we are regularly active pushing M+, off-night alt heroic raids, spamming islands, and PVP.

Guild Website & Application (reallybadplayers dot com)
Our website holds in-depth information about our raiding expectations as well as our application.

Contact Us : In-game on Blackrock or through BattleTag
Guild Master: Shammamain (Allamain#1344)
Healing Officer: Duckie (Solemnity#1999)
Melee Officer: Scythia (Scythia#11216)
Raid Leader: Nightstandqt (Nightstand#1246
Me: Stridulent (Stridulent#1581) or Discord - Stridulent#1603

Horde guild Defiance here. We run T/Th/Sun 630-930 pm pst. Down to earth laid back guild that still pushes end game content the best we can! Just a short post from me so we can talk more if the times fit, which is probably the most important match.

Bnet: AaronC#11555
Discord: Shamy(Aaron)#1760

If you want a little more info: [H] 1/9 M seeks Tank, DPS and a healer