[H] 4 Experienced Vets LF Raiding Guild

Heya, two of my buddies and I recently started up WoW again after skipping out on BFA. We are a trio that includes: 1 MM Hunter, 1 Spriest, 1 Arms Warrior, and 1 Ret Paladin.

We are all around 200 ilevel and have a plethora of past mythic raid experience on other characters. We raided Mythic most of Legion, I raided throughout TBC, and one of my buddies has been raiding mythic since Cata.

We’re very active, plan to play Shadowlands for a long time, and push M+ every week when able.

We’re looking for a two day a week raiding guild with plans for mythic raiding. If your guild needs an infusion of 3 great DPS players, shoot me a message in game – my character name is Anbogosh, my bnet is Anbokr#1188. Feel free to add me! We can talk further via discord or what not.

Edit: Since I posted this, our longtime Spriest friend felt inspired to want to raid, so we are now a 4 group of vets - 1 MM Hunter, 1 Spriest, 1 Ret Pally, 1 Arms Warrior.

Spriest: Arulu
Hunter: Annefrankx
Ret Pally: Bonkarella
Warrior: Anbogosh

Hi, we are currently recruiting for our mythic team, we have spots for all 3 of you.

tues/wed/thurs 8:30pm-11:30pm EST

if those times work for you, add me on bnet and we can talk further!
bnet : Awestruct#11374

We have core spots open for you. Info below, reach out to one of my officers if we look like a fit for you. Best of luck to you guys


Raid Days: Tues/Thurs
Times: 9:30pm-12:30am EST

Contacts: Thordin#7442 , JoJo#5679 , Korkronovice#6950

Notes: Social, Active Guild looking for more members of all playstyles. We are a Raiding Guild with the goal of completing AOTC. We we need more DPS for our current raid team. Our number one goal is to have fun while still pushing content. Everyone has to start somewhere and do not turn people away who are willing to learn and have fun along the way. We take pride in having laid back social environment where all walks of life are welcome do not tolerate any form of toxic behavior. If you have any questions please message me. All classes and skill types welcome


Since posting this, one of our longtime Spriest buddies felt inspired to join in the mythic search, so we are now a group of 4. One of each: Spriest, MM hunter, Arms Warrior, Ret Paladin.

Spriest: Arulu
Hunter: Annefrankx
Ret Pally: Bonkarella
Warrior: Anbogosh