[H] 4/8M - LF DPS - EGH 6 hour weekend! Sat/Sun 8-11pm EST

Shadow priest master race though

Dps dps dps where for art thou dps?

Warlocksss where you at

Hallows Eve is almost upon us

Come dps with us! We like to kill pixels, eat pizza and talk about sitting in our trucks!

Buffalo Chicken pizza is pretty good and especially so when you eat it while sitting in your truck

I hear these guys clap some boss cheeks

Range dps interested? Apply now

Would they be like Earth Go Hard?

Thicc ranged dps wanted

Sell recruiting!

to the top!

Im gearing a mage

Need more friends to push CE and Azshara!

We are raiding this weekend come kill bosses with us!

Keep the adds coming!

Looking for more ranged!

We’re looking for ranged dps still!

That 1% wipe got me…

We have a new system in place for now until 8.3. we will only be progging on Sundays. Will update the post tomorrow