Hey all,
Prior experience includes US Top 20 in Blackrock Foundry, CE Castle Nathria and CE SoD.
Availability: 8PM-11PM EST any day of the week.
Logs, etc available upon request.
Discord: energy#9221
Hey all,
Prior experience includes US Top 20 in Blackrock Foundry, CE Castle Nathria and CE SoD.
Availability: 8PM-11PM EST any day of the week.
Logs, etc available upon request.
Discord: energy#9221
my guild is currently looking for a shadow priest. ill leave our guild spam and hope to hear from you!
Moonlight Gaming recruiting for raids wed/thur 8-10:30 PM EST. Our goal is AotC and then as much of mythic as we can clear on a 5/hr week schedule (where we plan on reclearing heroic every wednesday.) Also into m+ content on off-days/hours. If you’d be interested in talking to some more you can reach me at bnet tomathon#1842 or discord Tomathon#4519
Still on the hunt!