Hey im a 376 prot pally looking for a 2 night a week raiding guild, preferred times 8-11 CST. You can add me for more info! Risen#11174
Ignore tank specifics since it’s just annoying to list all the tanks but here are some guilds that could use a tank:
Warsong on Turalyon (Weekday):
Wednesday & Friday 8pm-11pm EST
- 1
Brewmaster Monk
- 1
- 1
Windwalker Monk
- 1
Elemental Shaman
- 1
Shadow Priest
- 2
Meters Over Mechanics on Turalyon :
8/8M CE (US 473 WCL)
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 8pm-11pm EST
- 1
- 1
Balance Druid
- 1
- 1
Shadow Priest
- 1
Blood Death Knight
I know I was after a Blood DK myself and took a Warrior tank into Legend who was awesome. Sometimes it just matters who is applying more than what class they play.
Evolved Gaming - Horde - Area 52
We are always looking for new members to come and join our age 18+, multi-gaming community! We are currently building our raid team on the Horde side of things, and any help would be great to have. We are getting through Normals, then working our way into Heroics.
We raid Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30-10:30pm EST.
We are doing mythic plus dungeons for people coming together as a guild. For other information please check out the thread below!
Any questions, feel free to come find me on Discord - Nystera#3611.
Hey there! We are in need of a solid, dependable tank for our Heroic Raiding group! < Dont Die > of Hyjal is a mature, laid back guild that focuses on downing heroic content and having a good time.
We raid Thursday and Monday from 8-10:30 PM central time and are currently 6/9N BoD looking to flip gears to heroic ASAP!
You are welcome to trial with us cross server, and if it is a good fit we are willing to help with the server transfer!
I added your battle tag and look forward to chatting with you later!
Hello there!
< Grey Parse > - Turalyon (US) is a small, semi-serious heroic raiding guild that likes to down content, but still have fun. AOTC Uldir, 1/8 M Uldir. We also run the occasional M+ or island group.
We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9p - 11:30pm EST and are currently 7/9N on BoD. We’re currently looking for a tank to fill out our team.
If you’re interested, you can reach me on bnet (HapaPlays#1302). We are open to doing a trial run on one of our raiding days to see how you gel with the team.
Failed at Hogger is a horde guild on Turalyon recruiting for our mythic roster! We raid Tues/Wed 8-11pm est
With Dazar’alor now out we’re looking to expand our ranks! We’re not only looking for raiders but we’re also looking for m+ pushers (especially Healers)
Immediate openings for Plate Tank / Resto shams / Holy Pally / Resto Druid that meet these requirements and are ready to raid. All ranged dps will be considered for a open spot though!
Requirements to be considered for the mythic bench/mythic team include: Good attendance, 60%+ parse, at least a 36 min. on your neck, doing your m+ weekly (whether it be a 10 or 15) good attitude and good raid awareness!!
Recruitment contacts:
Btag: Abysm#1567 Disc: Bitwise/Abysmn#0429
Btag: Coffee#1218 Disc: Cath#9702
Hi Risen! We could really use another solid tank! I will drop our guild info below, please add me if it sounds like somewhere you’d like to raid!
<Praetorian Guard> Draenor-US
Progression: 4/9 Heroic (5/8M Uldir)
Raid Times: 5:00-9:00PM PST Sat/Sun
Needed: Dps/Tanks
Come join Praetorian Guard and get your daily dose of mythics, memes, and gay! We are a laid-back group of mildly obnoxious friends that have been raiding on Draenor-US for a little over 8 years now, and believe that a casual schedule shouldn’t mean a lack of effort. We expect our raiders to know their class/spec and be reasonably familiar with log analysis. You can find our logs at https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/346/
. We are a very diverse group, with many LGBT members, and tolerate no discrimination or personal attacks. We are also a very female-friendly environment, with a gender-balanced roster and plenty of female leadership.
We hang out a lot outside of WoW, including FFXIV, Overwatch, League, and many other games, as well as a fairly active Slack and Discord. We also gather at Blizzcon each year, with this year expected to see nearly 20 of us in Anaheim for the week!
If all of this sounds interesting to you feel free to hit me up either here or in game at Ender#1733 or on discord at Pugnodeum#4346.
Good Morning, we are actively recruiting a tank for our guild!
Guild Name: Tortured
Server: Skywall (US)
Faction: Horde
Progress: Uldir - 8/8 N, 8/8 H BfD - 7/9 N
Contact: Battle tag Dustbunny#1996 or Discord dustbunny#1310
Schedule: Wed, Sun, Mon (9-11:30 EST) (6-8:30 Server) We are a long standing guild on the skywall server raiding since Vanilla, our goal is AOTC each raid tier which we have always achieved. We are flexible with folks that have to leave early and or show up late as well as people that can only make 1-2 raids a week. Many of our members have families, different job schedules, and dynamic schedules. We are a casual group and want you to play what spec you would like to play. The player and person are far more important to us than the class/spec. We also have a community if you would prefer to join that first to test us out before transferring!
We hope to hear from you soon!
Crestfallen is a brand new guild on Tich looking to build up our roster with like-minded players that have the same goal to participate in all the difficult PvE content the game has to offer on a light 2 day schedule, this will include both heroic/mythic raiding and high mythic plus keys.
Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 9pm-12am EST.
If you are interested or have any questions you can contact us on Bnet Grace#1550 or Discord Grace#9631.
Bumpidy Bump!
Just added you on Bnet. Hoping to chat soon! CraftyPig#11840
Hey Risen!
I have you added on bnet, but wanted to put this here so you could read a bit more about us if you’d like. Thought I posted one before but I didn’t. Whoops!
About the Big Brain Boys
Server: Illidan
Progression: 9/9N, 4/9H
Personal Loot System: RCLootCouncil*
*All tradeable loot is equally distributed to those who need it. We are trying to gear the raid as a whole so we can progress together.
Raid Times:
- Friday/Saturday 6p-10p PST
- Sunday 6p-8p PST (Extra day for progression, officers’ decision)
We are a newly formed Horde Mythic progression guild, our main goal being Cutting Edge in BFA.
We want to establish a group of committed individuals to progress through Mythic content toward our goal. Not at breakneck speed, but at a constant rate of progression.
Our founders are active players who come from backgrounds in Mythic+ and Heroic/Mythic raiding guilds (in WoD, Legion, and BFA)–but ultimately desired more in the way of Mythic progression.
For more info about us please check out our recruitment post linked below!
Bnet: LadyPluu#1299
Discord: Pluu#1299
App: bit.ly/b3-app