Long time wow player getting back into the game, 380 warlock. missed most of Udir progression and I am now looking for a team for the next upcoming tier. I also enjoy running M+ when not raiding, looking for 2-3 nights a week. I am also open to weekend raiding. Prefer EST/CST time.Looking for something this reset, feel free to reach out at my contact info below.
Horde only
Bnet - Braww#11142
www.warcraftlogs. com/character/us/illidan/braww#difficulty=4
raider. io/characters/us/illidan/Braww
We are Months Behind on US-Eredar
Monday-Wednesday 8pm-12am EST
Our goal is to clear current mythic content while remaining casual and laid back. We like to joke around and foster a community. Recruiting people who are looking for a “forever home” is a top priority. The guild has been around since 2006 and we don’t plan on going anywhere soon.
Contact Info
Battletag: Rebdull#1533
Discord: Rebdull#9648
Battletag: Norav#1342
Discord: NoravMB#3765
Battletag: Xloudman#1207
Discord: Hambrick#0289
[H]The Reckless of Tichondrius
8/8H 5/8M
We raid Monday & Wednesday 8p-11p EST
Vik#1619, Cluraz#1378
Full blurb here 4/8M 2/NIGHT LFM
Karma Horde on Stormreaver is recruiting ranged dps for its mythic team (preference for Warlocks, Shadow Priests, and Boomkins). We will consider applications from exceptional melee dps.
Current Progression: 3/8M
Raid Times: Tuesday/Wednesday 7:30-10:30PM Central/Server Time.
Next steps:
Complete and submit an application (Phrasing Raid Team) - https:// goo.gl/forms/6Gw6gtMObJPAXwh63
Join the guild’s Discord server: https:// discord.gg/3Pb3QXs
For more information contact: Gingersnap#6581 (discord) or Gingersnapmd#1295 (battle.net)
A Horde guild on the server Stormreaver is looking for new members to help us Cha Cha Slide through Uldir. We’re dedicated ex-hardcore raiders who bring that focus to their 9-hours a week of raiding(On boss pulls), but are casual the rest of the time. We like to run Mythic Plus in the downtime. We are currently 8/8H 5/8M
Our Raid days are:
Monday 8-11 EST
Tuesday 8-11 EST
Wednesday 8-11 EST
We’re Currently Looking for the following:
Shadow Priest
Blood DK
Arms/Fury Warrior
We’re always looking to improve, so if you feel you can provide that feel free to Contact us.
Drujo#1397 (Recruitment Officer)
Brashara#1324 (Guild Master)
Hey Braww! 
Elite is a 2 night a week mythic progression raiding guild founded by real life family and friends in 2016. We are a 4/8M Horde guild on Illidan and are looking for more solid Ranged DPS! We raid Tues/Wed 9PM-Midnight Server with Sunday as an optional heroic day.
Please read the raid team expectations and fill out a raid application here: https:// elite-kt.gamerlaunch. com/recruiting/signup.php?destination=%2Frecruiting%2Fapp_application.php%3Fgid%3D574111&gid=574111&mode=apply_next
On that website you can also see a glimpse of our Zek’Voz kill which shows the environment during raid.
Once you filled out a raid application and/or if you have any further questions you can reach me at either of these:
Discord - Deceptions#1474
Bnet - Deceptions#1114
Salt Factory is a later evening guild located on Tichondrius - US, formerly known as Insomnia of Sargeras. Over the years, we've built a community of people who genuinely like playing together. We wanted to once again come together and create something for BFA. We believe in the mantra "raid smarter, not harder" and established a guild built upon that belief. While there are many of us that have raided at the higher echelons of the US raiding scene, we believe that rank means nothing without genuinely caring where you raid and who you surround yourself with. We place importance on the morale and atmosphere of the raid, and have endeavored to provide an environment that can be thoroughly enjoyed to its fullest while staying competitive.
While our raiding times or community may not be ideal for all, we're a guild with personality, that prides ourselves on our unique, and down-to-earth atmosphere. With each passing tier we strive to not only improve as individuals, but together as a team. Because we believe that teamwork is the most crucial building block of any successful guild.
What you can expect from us :
- Guild leadership focused on not only progression but the overall health of the guild
- Reliable and skilled players who share a common goal
- A social atmosphere not commonly found in progression guilds
What we expect from you :
- Reliability
- Ability to communicate clearly & efficiently
- Ability to adapt quickly
- Consistency & punctuality [showing up every night, and on time is a MUST].
- Genuine commitment
- Experience and the knowledge to play your class to its fullest!
Tues - Weds - Thursday : 8 PM-11 PM PST (11 PM - 2 AM EST] / [10 PM -1 AM CST]
PROGRESSION (current & during content) :
- T20 - 8/9M before calling it for the expac. best kill US#97
- T19 - US#96
- T18 - US#165
- T17 - US#119
- T16 - US#136
- T15 - US#94
TO APPLY VISIT : goo.gl/forms/tfdRupd7SFyMPjO53
Contact any of the officers for questions or concerns!
Officer Contact info :
GM : Bnet - Kisshot#1230 / Discord tag - Kiss#7258
Recruitment Officer : Bnet - Tida#1933 / Discord tag - Tida#5705
[H] [US-Tichondrius] is a late night raiding guild focused on progression. During WotLK, we were a Top 10 Alliance guild on [US-Korgath] under the name of [A]. We are looking to fill our roster again for heroic/mythic raiding and mythic+. Our goal is Cutting Edge, at a reasonable pace.
8/8 Normal
8/8 Heroic
3/8 Mythic
-Raid Times-
Tuesday: 7:00p - 10:30p PST
Thursday: 7:00p - 10:30p PST
-Heroic/Alt Raid-
Monday: 7:00p - 9:30p PST
Tank - low priority
Healer - high priority (hpally, rsham, hpriest, mistweaver)
Melee - apply
Ranged - high priority (boomkin, warlock)
-Contact List-
on Arthas [H] is a 2-day weekend raiding guild thats looking for individuals who’re interested in pushing Mythic raid content for CUTTING EDGE while still enjoying our time. We’re looking for any roles and so long as you can play you’re spec competently you’re welcome here! We urge anyone who is interested to add our BTags and talk! You can also drop an application on our website!
About The Guild
We’ve been around since Cataclysm and have cleared several hard-mode raids durring current content. Our goal is to push as far as we can while surrounding ourselves with players who we enjoy the company of. Our leaders have experience with US Top 100 raiding.
Raid Schedule
Friday : 10pm - 1:30am EST
Saturday : 10pm - 1:30am EST
Current Progression
Normal: 8/8
Heroic: 8/8
Mythic: 2/8
Current Needs
DPS - [High] Rogues/Warriors/Locks/BOOMKIN!!! will consider others as well!
Healer -[Medium]]Holy Paladin Preferred. Competent DPS OS is a plus.
Sounds like something you’re interested in? Feel free to add any of our officers and we’ll chat. No realm transfer is required until we’re in Mythic content.
Healofsteel[Guild / Raid Leader] - Sauron#1367
Alzar[Guild Co-Leader] - Alzar#11256
Blackstool[Guild Co-Leader] - Blackstool#1408
Guild & Server: Organ Harvesters Horde Kil’Jaeden
Raid Times/Days: Friday, Saturday 5:30pm - 9pmPST (8:30pm - midnight EST) Current Progression: 5/8M 8/8H 11/11M (US 471)
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: Rhino#2452 | Bnet: Rhinodude#1265
Requirements: Current or Previous Mythic Exp. Above average logs Needs: Looking for Rogue, Ret, Spriest, boomkin, Lock, hunter. mage dps, and priest and/or monk healer!!!
Seraph of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on server for over nine years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:
Core raids for each team
Community raids open to all
Legacy & achievement events open to all
M+ Dungeons
Twitch hosting for raiders
Social Media promotion
Active guild discord
Blizzcon meetups
Each of our teams has unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild…com to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.
Color Blind - 4/8M AotC Uldir (8:30pm - 12am CST, F/S) - bere#11183, ilpad#1438
Disasterpiece - 2/8M AotC Uldir (6:30pm - 8:30pm CST, T/W/T) - butts#1849, wizspike#1781, Oneg#11294, Flintshot#1766 (ME)
Wubs & Friends - 2/8M AotC Uldir (10pm - 1am CST, T/W/T) - wubs#1753
Guild Master : Ilpad (ilpad#1438)
Communications Director : Jaymie (jaymie#11120)
Hey there Braww
We are a group of returning high level raiders, who are taking a more casual approach this time around by raiding on a 2 day schedule. We are looking for like minded players who want to down mythic content, in a quick less stressful manner. Our raid times are Fri-Sat 9-12 EST.
Progress: 8/8H 3/8M
Recruitment Needs:
Tank: Closed
Melee: Open excluding Demon Hunters
Ranged: Open
If your role is not listed above feel free to contact us anyway.
What you’ll be signing up for:
You will be part of a guild who values the fun the game offers, over everything else. We value our friendships, and the fun we have while raiding. Do not let our laid back attitude dissuade you, as we still value progressing, and moving forward in raid tiers.
You will also have the opportunity to be a part of a community that extends outside of raid times, including arena, bgs, mythic+ and other games (such as Overwatch and League of Legends).
If you would like to be a part of our community contact us on our thread or hit up one of us below!
Drunkndonut: Recruitment Officer
Bullstizz: GM
Myostatin: Officer
< Pseudonym > 6/8M, Is looking for exceptional raiders for Mythic Uldir Progression! We raid on Tuesday & Thursday from 10:00-1:00 AM EST. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild filled with skilled and experience players looking to raid a light schedule but still focused progression kills. Our goal is to be the best 2 day a week raiding guild on our server. We are looking to expand our 20 man roster to inspire competition and growth between our raiders, and optimize our composition for given fights. All roles are currently open and being recruited, so all experienced players should apply.
Specific Recruitment Needs:
High Demand:
Demon Hunter
Medium Demand:
Balance Druid
Holy Paladin
Shadow Priest
Mistweaver Monk
Low Demand:
Discipline Priest
However; do not be discouraged by our current needs. If you are exceptional on your preferred spec/class, we encourage you to still contact us.
What We Expect
For you to come in with an attitude to kill bosses in a timely fashion. Only raiding for 6 hours a week leaves little time for distractions during raid, but leaves tons of time for goofing around during the week. We expect that you are able to handle yourself as an adult, and not to fold under pressure or cave when receiving constructive criticism. We expect for you to understand your class and role for given fights and strive to improve whenever possible.
Outside of that, we hope that you enjoy your time with us, and look forward to logging on.
Any additional questions can be directed to the Battle Tag Swxkill#1372.
Otherwise you can apply through our discord at: discord.gg/jquwxFZ
Immediate opening for talented warlock
<Club House> is a Horde guild on the server Kil’Jaeden and has been together for 10 years! We have server firsts and other experienced players within our raid. Currently we have downed 7/8M Mythic Uldir and looking to solidify our roster going forward.
We raid Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9pm-Midnight PST with the occasional Monday raid if needed for content pushes.
(times/days are subject to change during the beginning weeks of BFA)
What we need from you:
We’re a mature guild so 18+ only please.
Please have a working headset. (Push to talk during raids)
We expect all of our raiders to be raid ready! That means Fully gem’d and Properly enchanted, food, flasks, pots and runes.
be at the raid instance BEFORE the start time of 9pm.
Knowledge of your class and boss fights.
Be able to handle constructive criticism and the occasional trolling.
Past warcraft logs.
Have a good time.
Currently we’re looking for:
Mist Weaver
Disc Priest
Shadow Priest
clubhouse enjin com/recruitment
or add Sosleepy#11248
Hope to hear from you soon!
Happy Hunting.
Wubs & Friends-3/8M AOTC ( 10pm - 1am CST, Tues/Wed/Thurs)
Part of the fantastic community of Seraph on US-Mal’Ganis, Wubs & Friends has a fantastic raid environment full of friends who want to just kill some bosses. Our raid style encourages players to push themselves to their full potential while maintaining a friendly atmosphere. We are a Streamer ToS friendly guild searching for dedicated and talented raiders.
If this sounds like the team for you, contact us to chat, or visit SeraphGuild dot com to apply!
Recruitment Contacts:_ Gorgeouss#1922 (btag), Wubs#1753 (btag) , NinjaCupcake#1528 (btag) El Ninja Cupcake#3084 (discord)
Seraph of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on server for over nine years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:
Core raids for each team
Community raids open to all
Legacy & achievement events open to all
M+ Dungeons
Twitch hosting for raiders
Social Media promotion
Active guild discord
Blizzcon meetups
Each of our teams has unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild dot com to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.
- Color Blind - 4/8M AotC Uldir (8:30pm - 12am CST, F/S) - bere#11183, ilpad#1438
- Disasterpiece - 2/8M AotC Uldir (6:30pm - 8:30pm CST, T/W/T) - butts#1849, wizspike#1781
- Wubs & Friends - 3/8M AotC Uldir (10pm - 1am CST, T/W/T) - wubs#1753, Gorgeouss#1922, NinjaCupcake#1528
Guild Master: Ilpad (ilpad#1438)
Communications Director: Jaymie (jaymie#11120)
<Running in Circles> Area 52 - US Horde We are mature adults building a raiding guild, looking for exceptional DPS, healers and tanks for future progression into 8.1! Currently looking for and accepting all Raid times are Fri/Sat 11:30pm-2:30am (EST) Our small group of core founders are currently 3/8M 8/8H with experience on Vectis. ** Attendance and knowledge of encounters is expected Add Braveheart#12850 or Seania#1484 for more details if our times sound good for
Hey Braww,
we’re an 6/8M guild on Tichondrius that would love to have you trial for us for the next reset. Message me at nathaniel#0401 on discord if you’re interested!
<Hold My Flask> provides a great raid environment that values performance and teamwork from our players. Our goal is to have fun while having steady progression towards Cutting Edge. We’re always looking to improve our progress from tier to tier and look to find players willing to put in the effort.
What we’re looking for:
Ability to perform well with your chosen spec. This will be shown in logs provided.
Reliability & attendance. We expect you to show up on time and prepared for raid.
Commitment towards the guild & progression.
Raid spots will be immediately available for players who can perform and mesh well with our group. We generally run a 25-man roster to keep a stable core. You’re expected to be OK with being benched for an encounter if a certain class/spec is better or if you’re underperforming. We do our best to try and be as efficient as possible for progression.
Faction, Server & Region:
- Horde faction on US-Tichondrius
Raid Times:
Progression Days: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday @ 9:00PM - 12:00AM PDT
Heroic Farm Clear: Monday @ 9:00PM - 12:00AM
Contact Info:
- Feel free to contact us about any questions regarding the guild.
Discord: nathaniel#0401, or Jintae#5804
Battlenet: Jintae#1648
Application page: https ://goo.gl/forms/B6HU5aM8ghu2tqP43
Area 52 - US Horde
We are mature adults building a raiding guild, looking for exceptional DPS, healers and tanks for future progression into 8.1! Currently looking for and accepting all
Raid times are Fri/Sat 11:30pm-2:30am (EST) Our small group of core founders are currently 3/8M 8/8H with experience on Vectis.
** Attendance and knowledge of encounters is expected
Add Braveheart#12850 or Seania#1484 for more details if our times sound good for you
[Dragonflight] is a semi-casual raiding guild on the Horde side of Thrall server.
4/8M 8/8H 8/8N
Progression Raid: Friday/Saturday 9pm-12am EST
Optional Raid: Tuesday 9pm-12am EST
Our guild is primarily a raiding guild and is most active after 6pm EST.
We are recruiting for our rotation raid roster for Mythic Progression. Currently seeking RDPS.
Our guild maintains a roster of 23+ raiders, we rotate our players based on ability and encounter needs.
For more information please contact:
GM: Nazame-Thrall BTAG: Nazame#1831 Discord: Naz#8398
Recruitment Officer:
Meowmeowkity-Thrall BTAG: MeowMeowKity#1631
Discord: MeowMeowKity#2640
<Actually Tilted>
Server: Zul’jin
Raid times: Tuesday and Wednesday 7-10 PM Eastern time
We are semi-hardcore guild looking for reliable people so we can build a great mythic team heading into Battle For Dazar’alor and beyond. Outside of raiding we would enjoy people who would also be down to push keys, do mog runs etc on off days. We are currently in need of DPS.
If you are interested please feel free to add Ketter#11366 (GM) or Wolfry#11903
(Officer) on bnet. Or Ketter#3853 on discord.