BFA I have mained Mage, can comfortably play Arcane/Frost and I’m willing to learn fire.
I’ve been in a casual guild so far in BFA, we got to 3/8m and have since stopped raiding due to numbers.
My preferred guild would raid 2 days during the week and finish no later than 10pm.
I would prefer to play my Mage, however I can also play Pally. I mained prot during legion and can heal if needed.
Logs are public, go search them if you’re keen. Battlenet is Hermit#1986
Dropbears of Funk ( 8/8H 2/8M Uldir)
We have recently moved to Barthilas in search for more friendly members and consistent raiders for mythic progression.
With the move we just need a few more members to fill our raid team.
Raids will Be Weds/Thurs 7:30pm-10:30pm ST Once our raid team has all the roles filled. In the Mean time we are running/pushing Mythic keys and making sure everyone gets a plus 10 save each week.
We always welcome Others for mythic Plus, battle grounds and or even just to have a guild to hang out in.
We are Looking for:
- 2 x Heals - Resto Shaman/Disc priest/Holy Pally
- 1 x Rdps - Mage/druid
- 1 x Dps - Warrior/Frost dk
- 1 x Tank - Pally/Monk/Druid
If you do not fit the roles/classes above you will still get to raid with us.
If you’re interested Please contact me either in game or this forum.
Add - reaper#12337
Hey mate, we’re looking for some more ranged. Here is our post, hit me up if it sounds like a fit. Nasigoring#1217 :
Thanks for the reply, I strictly can’t raid past 10:00pm server due to work.