(H)379 havoc dh LF guild

379 havoc DH 7/8H 2/8M and 1.1k io. I have been with the same group of people for raiding basically since the start of legion, so this doesn't come easy for me. But the majority of the people no longer log on, I'm assuming that they aren't overall impressed with bfa. So I haven't been actively raiding much lately and I miss that. lf guild to raid with, pref around my progression. Atm I am 7/8H 2/8M. Availability for raids Mon - Fri 700pm server or later.

Btag: Vomitory#1138
Or msg me in game, my alt code is 162
<Illicit> 8/8H 2/8M on Kil'Jaeden Horde US is currently recruiting reliable players for our BFA progression team!

Illicit is a guild composed of close friends and long-time WoW players, many of which share the goal to clear mythic content. We are looking to have as much fun as possible while simultaneously clearing mythic Uldir before the next patch in BFA.

Trials will typically last 2-4 weeks. Expectations include but are not limited to:
- Raid preparedness - showing up consistently & on time, gemmed, enchanted, etc.
- Strong knowledge & proficiency on your class.
- AOTC raid experience or better.
- A drive to improve & a willingness to accept critique.

Raiding Times:

6:30 - 10:30 PM server time (Pacific Standard Time) on Tuesday & Wednesday.

Currently Recruiting:


Even if your role is not listed here, please inquire as any exceptional player will be considered!

Contact Us

Quintos (Raid Leader) - Quintos#1991
Rude (Guild Master) - Rudesy#1659
Shinedown (Officer) - Shinedown#1664
Quintos#8333 Discord
Rudesy#9052 Discord

Feel free to contact any of the above Officers if you are interested in joining us!
Hey how goes it, we are a Guild currently still raiding on Tuesday and Wednesday 6-9pm Pacific.

Recruiting for some dps spots and could fit you in immediately

<Loyal> 2/8 Mythic - US Horde Kil’jaeden

Thank you for the offers, I'm looking for something more 7pm server or a bit later. I get off work at 5:45pm server.
<Wreckreational Havoc> 5/8H, is a friendly semi casual guild. LF all classes and specs for progression raiding. Pushing into M Uldir ASAP. M+ groups formed daily. PVP included. All casuals welcome. Raid times are Friday and Saturday 7-9:30pm Server Time. Much of our guild has server transferred from a low pop server to push progression and have fun doing it.

Please leave a message here or contact Crondor or Runswithcron in game for more information or an invite.