Hello all, looking to get back into raiding after a 2 expansion break.
Started the expansion a few weeks ago and casually got AOTC and raider-io of 880, but now I’m looking to get back into the raiding scene.
I used to raid at the US 20s level, many high parses, played multiple classes that were heroic raid ready (back before Mythic was a thing). I’m not looking to raid at that level anymore.
My preferences would be: Horde on KJ, or X-Realm raiding and 4-12PM EST any weekday, or any time weekend (I’m pretty open). I love M+, so if a guild runs those would be a big plus. Let me know!
[Unhallowed] [H] Kil’Jaeden Server is recruiting for Battle of Dazar’alor, Herioc/Mythic progression.
Lead by previous expansion mythic raiders that have toned back to a more casual approach but still enjoy pushing the extent of the content. Currently we are 8/8H and 2/8M in Uldir and we raid Tuesday/Wednesday from 6:30p-9p PST. Invites start 15 minutes prior to start. Flasks/Feasts are provided during raid, repairs also provided to raiders.
We are willing to look at/try out any person wishing to become part of our raid team but some key classes/roles we are looking for are listed below.
All Considered
Disc Priest
Resto Druid (W/DPS Offspec)
Resto Shaman
Ret Paladin
A/F Warrior
Hunter (Ranged)
The list is in no way a priority list, simply targeted needs. Any player will be given consideration even if not in the above list of classes. Casuals/M+ priority players also welcome.
Contact if interested:
Andatae (Exias#11662)
Riskeey (Riskeey#11129)
Bumping thread. Currently 2/8M and 1k io score.