[H] 3/11H - LFM for CE push - T/Th 8:30-11:30Est

Scars of Catastrophe –

We want players who are willing to work on their performance. We push progression 6 hours a week. We’ve established a mature community that is focused on raiding and getting the job done, we understand that life happens but we do expect a high percentage of attendance. While we have some high priority needs, all exceptional players are welcome to try out.

Current Needs
We’re currently looking for healers at this time, Holy Paladin, Holy Priest, and Resto Shaman being the primary needs.

If interested, please hit us up on discord Hakgek: (Sascya#4814) or Koloss: (Siscorskiy#5827) in game, or use the link https://forms.gle/GpiqAeuvEPi3EjLt6