I’m on the search for a Mythic raiding guild. I was 12/12M CE in Ny’alotha and ended at 8/10M CN before our guild leadership disbanded our weekend team.
Currently pugging and leading my way through Heroic SoD as well as doing keys.
I’d really love to find a 1-night a week raiding guild, preferably on Sundays.
Time doesn’t really matter too much to me, but evenings are better.
I could do something like 4pm - 12am EST or something like 9pm-12am EST.
Server also doesn’t matter, we’ll move anywhere!
I am also interested in two-day raiding guilds as well, however, I cannot do Mondays/Tuesdays (I have D&D on that day ^^). If two-day, I would prefer W/Th earlier in the evening on EST, such as: 5pm-8pm, but later is doable.
I also have a Balance Druid friend who has the same type of progression as me that would love to join along with me.
We like to have fun and make friends while also focusing on progression when we’re doing it. So a guild with a positive atmosphere is definitely something we want to join.
I answer pretty regularly on Discord (Raere#4667) or you can add me on bnet (Raere#11907) - I’d love to hear about your guild!