Hey folks,
Currently looking for a team to push to 2100 with in RBGs. LFG isn’t cutting it anymore, I’m 1950 CR/30% Vers and knowledgeable of my class.
Full disclosure, as a longtime PvE player this is my first season doing any sort of “high” level PvP content. I consider myself component but also acknowledge that there is an insane amount to learn about the intricacies of RBGs. Patience would be a valued trait of the team, as I’m not a perfect player but am incredibly receptive and encouraging of feedback to improve my performance.
This ad also mentions an AotC kill, this comes second to the interest in an RBG team but if you think I’d be a good match I’m happy to chat. I’ve got plenty of P3 experience and would be happy to help a guild claim their AotC as a competent pug!
If you have any inquiries or would like to see if I’d jive with your group, you can reach me on Discord at Delargu#1344