Currently looking for a raid team, anytime and day works. My exp is 3/10m and 10/10H
Willing to server transfer if need be
Dropnet#9700 on discord or Pulse#12371 on bnet
Currently looking for a raid team, anytime and day works. My exp is 3/10m and 10/10H
Willing to server transfer if need be
Dropnet#9700 on discord or Pulse#12371 on bnet
Hey there!
I’m Ønyxsis of the Illidan guild Bloodknight Redemption
Our team raids Saturday/Monday 7:30-10:30 CT.
We’re 9/10 Heroic, scheduled to clear Denathrius this Saturday (Today). From which point, we’ll be transitioning into Mythic progression for the remainder of the tier.
We’re doing Sludge>Gen>Sire this Saturday if you want to tag along to see if it’s a good fit.
We are on Illidan, so if you try us out and think it’s a good fit, then we discuss getting you moved over no problem.
If interested, please reply here, or reach me on Discord at Onyxsis#1442!
Hi Dropnet! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!
We are a fun guild looking to further grow our roster for Shadowlands! We take in all players that are interested in raiding. We also have players that like to do mythic plus and pvp.
Raid schedules are Tuedsays heroic clear Wednesdays and Thursdays starting at 10:30PM and ends at 1AM server time (Eastern Time). This will be our main progression raid group.
Our Goals:
Our goal is to get cutting edge in Shadowlands and/or to progress through mythic raiding as far as we can. To reach this goal we expect everyone to have good attendance to our raid nights. We expect everyone to research their class and mechanics. We also expect everyone to reach out to us if in need of help as far as classes, specs, mechanics and gameplay.
About Us:
We as a guild are mainly active in the evening hours due to real life schedules but some are active during the day as well. We also like to do fun activities with our fellow guild mates such as scavenger hunts, transmog contests, xmogs and mount runs and achievement runs. We also welcome new players as well and we have many resources available upon request.
If you are interested or wish to know more details please feel free to reach out to one of our officers or myself by discord or in game.
Discord Info: