Mainly looking for a Mythic prog guild preferably with raid days T/W or TH with raid times starting at around 7:30pm est and on. I recently came back after a long break since legion. I raided as a WW and changed to MW monk into Mythic tomb. Recently coming back I had a plan I just wanted to raid heroic but am finding I want more again since I am really enjoying the expansion. I am very dedicated to the raid environment and looking for a semi hardcore guild looking to push progression.
I am more than willing to server transfer anywhere even just for a trial.
Sundust Syndicate is a looking to build a raid team to push into mythic raiding content in Shadowlands! We are recruiting any who are looking to find a new home where they can push content but also make friends!
Raid Times!
(Progression) Tuesday | 9:30 EST - 12:00 EST
(Progression) Thursday | 9:30 EST - 12:00 EST
What we expect from raiding applicants:
- Ability to attend at least 85% of raids
- Friendly, team player attitude
- Ability to communicate on Discord
Not looking to raid? No problem! We are always open to players that like to level alts, run old raids for mogs/mounts, Keys, PVP or just hang out to chat!
Questions? Please contact:
GM: (Bnet) KiwiTiger#11312 | (Discord) KiwiTiger#3279
Hey i know its probably a no but we are a newly formed raid guild looking to push for CE. (Horde)
Reign of Shadows is a Newly Formed Guild started by a group of friends lead by 10/10 H Castle Nathria Leaders. Our goal is to provide a competitive Raid, Mythic + and PvP environment with a fun atmosphere. We are a small guild with a lot of potential looking to bolster our roster as we raise our goals each tier moving into shadowlands.
Mission statement: This guild will not operate as a hardcore Cutting Edge guild, but we will operate as a Mythic Raid guild to achieve Cutting Edge, High Mythic + keys and Top Tier PvP. Please internalize this statement. Our goal is to foster a community of players who enjoy playing with each other. We will not treat people the way that hardcore Cutting Edge guilds tend to treat people. That said, we will establish clear expectations from our Mythic Raid team. We will recruit players to fill Mythic Raid team needs, and expect people to accept that their position may be challenged. We will make difficult decisions that we believe are in the best interest of the Mythic Raid team, with the understanding that those decisions do not undermine the strength of the guild as a whole but promote it.*
- TUE 8-11 PM CST
- WED 8-11 PM CST
- THUR 8-11 PM CST Progression
- Knowledge of their spec/class.
- Come prepared
- High raid attendance
- Communication with the team via Discord.
- Ability to improve their performance. (Warcraft logs)
Guild Contacts:
Uwéa’s discord = Uwea#1211 Bnet = Uwea#11452
Fodisa’s discord/Bnet= Exarthious#1115
Bump for actual character profile. Logs will be provided if needed.
add me Thecoldbange#1998 lets talk
Rejex is a mythic raiding Horde guild on Arthas recruiting for Shadowlands PvE content. The raiding team was created in the middle of 8.3 and we stopped at 10/12M (CE was in sights if we knew SL would be delayed). We are currently 10/10 N CN and 8/10H CN. The core group is looking to recruit Ranged DPS.
We raid twice a week WED/THURS 7:00 to 10:00 EST
Every application will be taken into consideration. Don’t hesitate to communicate with us.
BNET : Poopdollar#1617 or Svester#11268
Discord : Poopdollar#6583 or Svester#7164
Hey there! If your still looking for a home, check us out!
Competitive semi-hardcore CE focused guild.
[H] [US] [Hyjal] is recruiting RDPS! Raid days: Wednesday/Thursday 9pm-12am EST Optional Monday 9pm-12am EST
Current Progression: 9/10HC.
If you are interested add any of the officers on Discord. Guild Officers: fruitgummy™️#0420 | Kren#2428
< Ouroboros >
Proudmoore (PvE) Alliance
Current Progression:
9/10H, 10/10N Castle Nathria
Previous Xpac:
Ny’alotha 12/12M, 12/12H, 12/12N Cutting Edge
Eternal Palace: 7/8M, 8/8H 8/8N
Battle of Dazar’alor: 9/9M, 9/9H, 9/9N Cutting Edge
Crucible of the Storms 2/2 H
Uldir 8/8M, 8/8 H, 8/8 N Cutting Edge
Our Raid Schedule:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:
8pm-11pm PST, 9pm-12am MST, 10pm-1am CST, 11pm-2am EST
Our Current Recruitment Needs:
While recruitment is open for all classes, we are specifically interested in the following classes/roles.
We are not currently looking for any tanks
Melee DPS
Demon Hunter
Enhancement Shaman
Range DPS
Balance Druid
MM Hunter
Ele Shaman
Hey there! Add me at Daft#1470 if you’re still looking!
Corrosive [H] is a newly formed 10/10H guild of friends from over the years looking for players to round out our Mythic roster as we move to seriously progress to Cutting Edge for Castle Nathria.
On average, our players are a minimum 800 io and running keystones most every day, several of our players are high arena rating on one or more characters, and most of us hold previous Cutting Edge achievements, or all-but-one mythic progression.
We raid on Tues/Wed from 8:00PM-11:00PM EST (server time), with potential for an hour extension, or an extra raid night if a boss is close to dying. To be decided.
Recruitment Priority
Tanks (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High priority Monk or DH
Healers (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High Priority Resto Shaman
High Priority Holy Paladin
Healer who is willing to off-spec DPS
DPS (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High Priority Unholy DK (1-2)
High Priority Melee Generally
For more specific information, any questions, or prospectively joining the guild, please reach out to us on Discord!
Umphriez (GM) - Ump#2515
Morcade (Officer) - Morcade#1811
Squid (Officer) - Squid#6203
Hello! And thanks for visiting Perfect Loot
We are looking to recruit more people to join our gaming community and mythic raiding environment, with a heavy focus on getting cutting edge every patch!
We are looking for DPS and Healers for our mythic raiding team in Shadowlands!
Also looking to grow our gaming community, so all casual and game lovers are welcome!
We are currently looking for the following classes for Shadowlands!
Destro/Affliction Warlock
Shadow Priest
DPS Warrior
Sub Rogue
Ret Pally
Unholy DK
MM Hunter
WW Monk
Raid days are Tues-Thursday, hours are 8:30PM-11:30PM Eastern time.
Contact Gentleknight @ Gentle#11834 or Bazhunter @ bazhunter#1268
Thank you!
About Us. 
This guild came to fruition after a couple of friends wanted a fun raiding experience while also being competitive. We are currently building a mythic roster for CN with just a few spots left. We are located on Bleeding Hollow /horde
Raid Times
Wednesday & Thursday
10:00pm - 2:00am EST
10/10 Normal
10/10 Heroic
2/10 M
What We Want From Our Raiders
-Great Attendance
-Friendly Attitude
-Knowledge of Encounters
-Raid Awareness
Trial period lasts 4-6 raid nights. Afterwards, Officers will assess overall performance. Trial periods may be extended in certain cases.
We are currently in need of :
Tank: Prot Pally
Healers: Holy Pally
Ranged and Melee: Open to outstanding applicants
We are currently looking for members to perfect our mythic roster.
Required Add-ons:
DBM or BigWigs
If interested message Asuna#9953 On discord…
Hey Plinkko,
I think we have a good fit for you with on Zul’Jin, we raid Tues/Thurs/Sun 7:30-11:30 EST with a goal of getting AOTC and pushing into Mythic as soon as possible. We are currently 7/10H.
Send me a discord message at Mightyputty#6867