I am a social, improvement minded adult Disc priest +- 210 ilvl in pve and pvp gear(1k+vers). I have a history of both Raid and Pvp success through mid WotLK (2k arena achieves, fire fighter) back for SL since day launch. I feel like I now have a solid understanding of my class, and others, to be or become a positive contributor in end game activities.
I am interested in heroic raiding, any rated pvp with a full dedicated team, as well as M+ to a degree.
I don’t have logs or heroic raid experience you’d probably ask of raider. I am open trials, interviews, or being a backup as long as there is opportunity.
Similarly with rated pvp opportunities though I have more current experience.
I’m available for two scheduled nights ~7-11 EST sun-thurs., flexible Fri/sat. Medium or large adult english guild is what I’m after.
Discord: Dellune#5657
Or in game