I’m looking for a raid/guild that is doing heroic or mythic content with a desire to push as far as they can but keeping a relaxed attitude. I want a group that values my time and commitment. I look forward to each scheduled raid and do my best to maintain strong attendance and performance, so I expect others to do the same.
I’m in my 30’s and I’ve been told I have a very dry sense of sarcastic humor. I’ll probably be more on the quiet side until I get used to the guild and try to find my place within the raid and get a feel for the people within it.
For times I would need a raid that finishes no later than 11:30est. I can raid almost any day of the week but would prefer a raid that doesn’t do more than 3 days.
I also run a lot of M+ as a Chadbear with a small group of friends, so I am not interested in going alliance.
So if you think I might fit into your guild please post below and I’ll contact you.
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I would be interested in speaking with you if you are still looking for a guild!
9/10H Will have AOTC this weekend!
Quick info
AOTC+ guild: Corrupted Cannoli
Faction: Horde
Server: Area-52
Raid times: Friday/Saturday 8-11 EST
Blizz ID
Kenoshis#1451 Recruiter
InTheShadows#1278 Raid Leader
Okashiro#11455 Guild leader
Hope to chat soon
Anima Gang is currently looking to bolster our ranks for Castle Nathria. If you are looking for an enjoyable guild that strives for success then we may be good for you.
We are currently accepting and in search of all well geared and skilled players to add to our raiding crew, however there are a few particular classes in higher demand which include:
Blood DK
Enh Shaman/Ele Shaman
Demon Hunter Dps
All classes are welcome to apply this list dose not mean we are not interested.
Raid Times
During progression you must be available 9 PM - Midnight EST, Monday - Tuesday.
You must understand your class well.
You must be prepared to use potions and flasks on every raid.
You must show good attitude toward members of the guild.
How to Apply
Contact in game:Kashdk/Kashp- Bodankey- Lunkdk- Fatalrush/Opulentt- Holytacò
Hey man, great post! Our team is matched up with your prog and we’d love to have you. We’re doing Sludge>Gen>Sire this Saturday if you want to tag along to see if it’s a good fit. Here’s some details below with my disc, please hit me up if you’re interested.
Our team raids Saturday/Monday 7:30-10:30 CT.
Our raiding atmosphere is relaxed, but very organized to ensure we’re always making forward progress.
If interested, please reach out to me on discord at Onyxsis#1442 and let me know. Thank you!
Loved reading your post.
Sounds like both your interests and sense of humor align with what we are looking for.
The number 1 thing I am looking for is DPS who are interested in being a part of a long standing guild. This means making friends and playing outside of raid too.
Our guild has been raiding together for 12 years now, since mid-wrath.
We raid Tues/Wed 7-11EST.
If you are interested in finding a home that you will be a part of long term, I would love to speak with you.
Add me on Discord (Metrolol #1206)
Hello Wutu
The Coffee Shoppe
We are on Area 52 US Horde
We are 1/10 M 10/10H and 10/10N and in need of RDPS
You would be immediately on the team with a 2 week trial raider status
One other note is we fit your raid times pretty good 8-11 EST TUES/THURS and an optional monday 8-11 EST
Hey man. Think we might be a good fit for your sense of humor! Check out theninfo below and message me if interested!
ScrubClub is a brand new progression raid guild that will be pushing for Cutting Edge in the Shadowlands. We are mostly in our late 20s and have real life responsibilities, but still want to push the most difficult content we possibly can. We are looking for active players of all specs for the raid team, but we also want people who enjoy playing the game outside of raid.
Raid teams progress faster when the players are having a good time. While progression is the priority, we also understand that games are supposed to be fun. We’re only toxic in the fun way, and no one’s gonna get screamed at in a raid. Our goal is to achieve cutting edge in each tier going forward.
Raid Times:
Wed: 7:30pm-11pm
Fri: 7:30pm-11pm
Server Time
We are actively looking to fill most slots, and all classes/specs will be considered. If you are interested in joining a brand new guild, please contact Arctic Camel#5900 or Legerity#6788 on discord.
Who are we?
Hope your day is going well! is Horde guild on US-Wyrmrest Accord looking for players imminently prepared for Mythic Raiding. We’re a group of players, new and old, that have a community driven approach to our guild. We are friendly to PvE, PvP, M+, RP and whatever else floats your boat. We have 2 raid teams, but the one I’m here to talk to you today about is Raid Team 1. We run Tue/Wed 8:30 EST to 11:30 EST. We’re pretty strict on this stop time. We may pull with 5 minutes left in the raid day, but we will not START a pull after time.
Who are you?
You’re an open minded person with a love for the game. You know the fights before you show up and you know your class. You’re excited for progression and testing your limits. If this is you, we want you.
Raid Times: Tuesday / Wednesday 8:30-11:30 EST (5:30-8:30 Server Time/PST)
Roster Needs:
Tanks: None
Priest (Holy): Med
Priest (Disc): High
Paladin: High
Shaman: Med
Death Knight: High
Druid (Balance): Med
Mage: High
Monk: High
Paladin: Med
Rogue: High
Shaman: High
Warlock: High
Warrior: Low
Some additional info:
We’ve been 2/3/9 through Heroic content and are doing a heavy push for recruitment to be ready for Mythic. We have Raid Team 2 that we can infuse into our Mythic days that don’t conflict with their own schedule but we need to be self reliant.
Join the discord below and we’ll setup a time to talk about you and our guild.
If for some reason Discord doesn’t work contact Schisme#1776
(Tichondrius, Horde) is a newly formed Mythic raiding guild focused on
acheiving Cutting Edge.
Who we are:
Who we want:
- Excellent DPS and Healers who are hungry for CE progression. Off-tanks for Mythic+ are welcome as well, but are not needed for raid.
- Players who can parse well on Heroic and execute mechanics well, AOTC is not a requirement but it’s a nice bonus.
- Players who are knowledgable about their class and who are willing to improve if needed.
Our plan:
- We are forming our fresh roster NOW. We are running trials very soon.
- Trial as many raiders as possible for Mythic progression.
- Begin Heroic re-clears and Mythic progression the week of 2/14.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-11pm eastern time.
- Sundays 8-11pm eastern time (optional)
- Co-GM (Discord): Stage#0001
- Co-GM (Battle Net): Stage#11935
- Main Raid: Tuesdays 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM CST, Invites 15 Min Before Raid
WHERE: Horde-US-Illidan
WHY: Because all of us are old and could only negotiate these hours with our spouses
HOW: Research, preparation and dedication
IMPORTANT NOTE: We have one required raid night per week for a total of four hours. We will not add an additional night of mandatory raiding. We already get **** from our spouses about playing too much…no need to add to the pain.
To optimize our effort, it is absolutely essential that people have high raid attendance - we are very efficient and can fit quite a bit into a single evening - so, we can’t stress enough how one or two people showing up inconsistently on our main raid can absolutely nuke our progression. As such, we require a 90-percent raid attendance and folks showing ready for first pull at 8:00PM server sharp. We do, of course, understand family and work commitments that crop up. That’s fine. Life happens.
We are forming our progression core for Shadowlands and have spots available! If you have been away from the game and are looking to come back, want to hop aboard a new guild for Shadowlands, or are psyched to join a guild looking to nail AOTC early each tier - with solid Mythic progression mixed in until people inevitably burnout, give us a shout!
Questions: If you have any questions, feel free to contact us In-game on Illidan: Bear#1188
Man I Love Fishing is a group of relaxed friends and players that are trying to push for getting CE every tier possible. We are 8/10 H currently with aotc experience from bfa and legion. Looking to push into mythic taking things seriously during raid. But never to serious that we can’t have a laugh : ). We are looking for other people who are wanting to maximize their spec and get better/help others get better and have a place and group to do other content with. Our schedule days wise is Tues 7-10 PM and Thursday 7:30-10:30 PM CST. We have about twelve rn and all the tanks are covered and looking for two healers. Looking for solid dps with a good attitude.
We are on Emerald Dream Horde and would love you have you <3
You sound like a great fit for our team! 
Greetings, Maw Walkers!
Casually Dysfunctional of Seraph is recruiting like minded, exceptional raiders for our team who will be a good fit for our progression and help others strive to be better as well. Our current level of progression is 10/10N and 9/10H for Castle Nathria.
We raid Wednesday and Sunday from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. CST. We are a newer raid team in Seraph and are currently composed of a group of friends and co-workers with a more relaxed and casual attitude in raid. Our aim is to have fun while improving our skills and progressing through the raid more specifically at a Heroic setting. Our Goal is to achieve AOTC achievement throughout all content. If time permits and our raid team is ready to take on the challenge, we will aim for mythic raiding sometime down the road. If you have any questions, feel free to message mrrazzmatazz#11514.
Our recruitment information can be found at www.seraphguild. com/recruitment
Lok’tar, Wutu!
Cinder and Ash - Mal’ganis Horde raids Friday and Saturday 7-10 central, and we have room on our team for a boomkin. We’re 1/10M 10/10H.
btag: ember#1670
discord (preferred): ember#2528
Hello! And thanks for visiting Perfect Loot!
We are looking for DPS and Healers for our mythic raiding team in Shadowlands!
Also looking to grow our gaming community, so all casual and game lovers are welcome!
Raid days are Tues, Wednesday, Thursday, hours are 8:30PM-11:30PM Eastern time
Contact Gentlepalm @ Gentle#11834 or Bazhunter @ bazhunter#1268
Thank you!
Big Facts (Alliance - U.S. Proudmoore) is looking for progression minded players who want to receive AoTC and push into Mythic Raiding. The task and purpose of Big Facts is to foster a community of raiders who want to clear content on a light 2 raid night a week schedule while maintaining standards for skill and class knowledge.
Current Role Needs
- Must be at least 18 years of age*
- Have prior AoTC or Legacy Heroic raiding experience.
- Have an understanding of your class and spec.
- Have a PC and internet capable of consistently running World of Warcraft
- Have the time and dedication to make raid nights consistently.
- Have a 190+ ilvl
** = Those who are above the age of 16 but below the age of 18 can request to join and obtain a wavier from an Officer.*
Preferred (In addition to above)
- Have prior Mythic raiding experience
- Have parses for the current or previous raid tiers with your current class
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday and Friday 5:30 - 9:00 (w/ possible 30 min extension) PST (U.S. Los Angeles/Proudmoore Server Time)*
** Note that the guild may run optional Heroic splits or Alt runs in addition to this depending on raider availability and content requirements.*
Application Process:
- Quick interview with guild officer
- Trial period based on performance (maximum of 2 weeks), trial waivers available for those who can produce relevant logs and demonstrate class knowledge in the interview.
Contact for Application or Questions
Lockrael Recruitment Officer: Lock #12410
BigBoy Guild Master: OffSeeker#1965
Discord: dKVBCH7u (this is the last part after the /)
Hey there. We are a newly re-formed guild that will focus on mythic raiding and pushing CE as soon as we can fill out our roster and get everyone geared up. In the mean time, we are organizing Heroic PUGs during our normal raiding hours of Thursday & Monday 8-11pm Eastern. We will start organizing Mythic PUGs on Area 52 soon, too! Try us out for a night. My contact information can be found here:
Wutu! Progression - Akama, Dragonmaw, Mug’thol [H] 3/10 H - Is the place to be man.
We are 3 weeks into our burgeoning existence as a guild and we need more like yourself, someone looking to get the most out of their in game time and wanting to find a community to fit into!
Our Goal is simple: To progress. We want to achieve AoTC this tier and we will be in full force for next tier.
Its an exciting time for our guild Wutu, there is so much happening each day in game and on discord; Mythic plus, RBGs, arenas, casual events etc. There is only one chance to be apart of the beginning of something big and this is that chance!
Contact me @ MRK#11295 for more details, and i hope to hear from you soon Wutu
I’ll start contacting guilds that I think will fit for me tonight. Thanks for all the interest.
Good morning,
My guild is currently recruiting Ranged DPS and Healers to fill our core roster for Mythic Progression. I feel our values align since we are looking to push Mythic content as far as we can go, but with a relaxed attitude. Here is a link to our recruitment post If you’d like to see more information: [H] <Twisted Logic> Recruiting DPS as we progress into Mythic Vault of Incarnates
Feel free to reply here or message me on any of the platforms provided.
Thank you for taking the time!
Wutu, nice to meet you.
I think Cozy fits what you are looking for pretty perfectly. We have one raid group about to get AOTC and another close behind looking for more ranged DPS. The dry/sarcastic humor is our MO. Very active, collaborative, and supportive group of players just trying to progress together and see how far we can take it.
Hit me up on Discord: Cozybadguy#8607
Hit me up on discord: Cozyba