Me (Ele Shaman Ilvl 198) & my friend (Balance Druid ilvl 195) are looking for a guild for AOTC and perhaps progress into mythic CE. We are also both 10/10N and 3/10 Heroic and pugging some more this weekend. We like to run mythic+ and also do BGs and Arena. The only days we are not available to raid are Friday/Saturday do to real life.
Add me on Bnet/discord if you have any questions.
Battlenet: WillAdelphia#1880
Discord: WillAdelphia#0782
Bumping the post, still looking 
(18+) (Horde) (Thrall) RAID TIMES fri/sat 10pm-1am EST (7pm-10pm PST) 10/10N 3/10H We are a newly formed raid guild made up of former mythic raiders. Looking for rdps/heals (ilvl190+) for our AOTC raid group/m+ push. We are looking to push AOTC and move into mythic once we have heroic on farm every patch. We have a discord community that plays a lot more than just WoW as well. Simply put if you wanna gear up and clear content this xpac hit us up, that’s our goal. Add my btag if interested (Slippyboy#11424)…
If you both love pumping then Dreamhaven might be a good fit for you!
7-9pm EST on Wed/Sun (probably adding a 3rd night, either Mon or Thurs). Tons of m+ (3-4k io last season of BFA), boost selling to make tons of moola, and Mythic Progression after the new year.
We’re community based and spend a lot of time in Discord and in games other than WoW (less so with the expansion launch but still an option).
Zerigast#1929 on bnet or Haemesh#3350 on Discord.