[H] 2 Melee DPS LFG

We’re currently 9/10H and 10/10N, previously went 10/10H and N in CN. We are an Arms Warrior and Ret Paly.

We’re looking for a weekday guild to raid, preferably between the hours of 8pm and 11pm EST. We’d like to touch on Mythic bosses, but not be in a CE guild, these toons are alts(same class and spec), but just want to fill in some free time we have.

Logs can be provided for mains and alts to show capability.

We could use a warrior and a pally. We run Wed / Thur 8p-10:30p server time. Add my battletag and we can talk TheSmugOne#1639

Zichari#2504 on discord if you guys are still looking, we are interested. Option Seventeen is the guild 3/10M and close on remnant

Guild: Casually Heroic

Faction: Horde

Raid Days/Times: Tues/Wed 8-11 EST


Requirement Needs:

  1. Looking for a Boomkin & More DPS
  2. Be able to have fun, relax and enjoy the game. :stuck_out_tongue:
  3. Will need Logs

Casuals also welcome, so if you’re looking for a place to call home waiting on Shadowlands, of you want a place that has people online so you can talk, send us a message and well be happy to invite you.

About us: Casually Heroic has evolved over the years. We went from a mythic pushing group to where we are today. We are made up of a core group that has raided together since WotLK. We took a little break in BFA and now we are back with a new name and new approach.

The name pretty much sums up our approach. AOTC and mythic keys will be our main goals, we will do mythic when heroic is cleared. Just not a full on mythic grind. Most of us are a little older, and we have families and careers. We prefer to chill out, drink a couple beers and have a good time with good friends. That being said, we do expect that people wanting to raid be familiar with their class, and performing well enough to clear content. We can help you gear, and we can even offer some general gameplay tips, but ultimately your performance is your responsibility.

If you are looking for a place to rest your controller, or looking to hang out with some decent people we might be for you. Whatever it is that you are looking for, come talk to us, and let us see if we can help.

Would love to chat sometime!