Hello all! I am an item level 199 Necrolord Demo warlock looking for a home. I’m 10/10N and 2/10H. My DPS is pretty decent. I like to raid. Let me know if you have a spot for me in your guild.
Hi Zemus. I hope you are well! Dont Die of Hyjal is a mature, laid back AoTC focused guild. We are currently recruiting dps! We are 10/10N and 1/10H, and should soon be pushed well into heroic. Our raid schedule is Monday and Thursday from 6-8 server time, 8-10 cst, 9-11 est. All we ask is that raiders have a positive attitude and seek to improve their class and performance from week to week. If you’d like more information or we sound like a good fit feel free to add my battle tag Wild#11964 or hit me up on Discord at Wildreaver#5858. Look forward to hearing from you.