[H] 10yr guild 2/10 M, 10/10H, LF DPS / hybrids!

Recruiting all classes for m+ in the evenings!

Recruiting all roles for 8.3!

In need of a skilled warlock for evening raids!

Recruiting all classes for m+! Generally we form groups in the evenings (see our raid schedule for rough idea on times most popular here).

Any mages or warlocks in need of a home? Come check us out

Looking for more

Could use a mage or Warlock

Open to all roles for 8.3! Would love to hear from a rogue still.

Hybrids welcomed for raiding on Wednesdays and Mondays! DPS+healer or DPS+tank would work. Come check us out

I would be interested in joining, would love to play a warlock/mage but still in the process of gearing back up and farming essences( waiting for 8.3 to see how much everything changes with the gear). Only decent geared character is this one atm. Contact me if u have any questions CReW#12492. I would have 2 other people that would follow. 1 is mostly casual the other is coming back and looking to roll a DK.

Hey Dhragon! Thanks for your interest. We could work with a ranged in the long run and likely a DK as well. Casual friends/family are always welcomed here too. I’ll toss you a friend request after work tonight in case you had questions, but in the mean time you can check out our website listed on the front page. There you’ll find more info as well as our quick guild app. Hope that helps!

Any rogues looking for a guild? Prefer a raiding buddy but if you’re unable to commit and prefer m+ content that is fine too. :slight_smile:

Looking for more

We could still use a warlock! All classes welcomed though

Many fun times for those who join!

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Open recruitment for 8.3!

Happy Patch Day! New content is always more fun with friendly people - come join us if you agree.

Drinks and dungeons, apply within.

Fun guild fact: This year we’ll be celebrating our 10th guild anniversary! If you want a stable home to enjoy gaming, we want to hear from you. :smiley:

Recruiting skilled, friendly players who prefer to raid a light (2 nights/week) schedule!