[H] 10yr guild 2/10 M, 10/10H, LF DPS / hybrids!

If you lads are still needing some deeps hit me up

Im interested. 438 Resto Shaman 3/8M but looking for a more laid-back atmosphere. I dont have time pushing mythic progression anymore and would like to have my main focus be AOTC and have fun. From Mal’Ganis, willing to transfer. Raid times are perfect for me.

Hey Zak! I believe your app has been reviewed if you haven’t checked it out yet. We are still looking for DPS, and ret would fit in just fine.

Hope we can chat soon! I’ll add you when I get home tonight.

Hi Xoss, thanks for your interest! We could bring on another shaman, but we do ask that all our hybrids have a dps spec that they can play as well. Are you strictly resto or would you be open to playing both roles?

If that works for you you’re welcome to apply at our site (on our post) and we’ll get back to you on the app asap.

Recruiting DPS for 8.3! We could also work with a hybrid that can both DPS and heal especially monk, paladin, or priest.

Not able to commit to a raid schedule? No problem - we welcome casual and social members. Come check us out!

We want to add a DK and warlock to our core for 8.3! Join us for raiding shenanigans in the evenings

Still recruiting!

Any rogues looking for a home? Come raid with us

Recruiting warlock, mage, and more!

Social/casual members welcomed!

Recruiting for 8.3!

In need of warlock!

Currently in need of a warlock!

Open to all classes for m+! Generally groups run in the evenings.

Recruiting DPS and hybrids!

Most interested in warlock, DK, DH, or rogue!

Could use a solid hunter for the upcoming patch!

Recruiting for 8.3!

Recruiting all classes for 8.3! Warlock, DK, DH, and hunter especially.