[h] 10/10m 2 day w/th 7:30-11pst recruiting

Looking for boomkin, warlock, mage, hunter, or dk.

Have spots open for mythic this week :slight_smile:

Doing mythic tomorrow :smiley:

Looking to bring another player in this week!

Recruiting dps

Looking to bring 1 dps in tonight

Happy Wednesday

Looking for a dps that has strong OS heals

Looking for a mage!

5th healer where

hello gamers

Looking specifically for mage, hpally, and a flex rdps/healer!

It’s a friday

Recruiting all weekend

Looking for more

Have dps spots and 1 healer spot open on core.

Still recruiting

Still looking for a holy paladin and mage for mythic prog

happy night before vault opening friends

No mages :cold_sweat: