[H] 10/10H Tank looking for a guild to push into Mythic Nathria

BladeMarian here, Blood Deathknight tank (dps offspec) with 10/10 Heroic Nath experience. I’m looking for a semi-casual guild to raid with that’s either 9/10H or 10/10H with a tank spot open to start experiencing mythic raid content.

I’m a social/non-raiding member in my current guild that just came back for Shadowlands after a several-expansion break, so all my progression raiding and mythic+ has been via PUG so far. I’m East Coast and can pretty comfortably raid anywhere from 2PM-10PM server time, 2-3 nights per week. I also bring a 210ilvl disc priest to the table for rated PVP.

Blizz: Scodo#1735 Disc: Scodo#6630