(H) 1 Healer and 1 Ranged DPS LF Guild (Thrall)

Holy Priest (458) {NO OFF SPEC}

Marks Hunter (458)

Currently we’re both 7/12 Heroic as it’s been difficult to get content down without having a stable guild. The hunter went 4/8M EP (pre nerf) before classic released and moved to classic for a bit of a retail break. The priest was 3/8M EP before taking a break from wow as well.

We’re looking for a guild that is heroic focused with the intention of killing some mythic bosses. Our days of chasing Cutting Edge are over. The guild must inclusively run keys. Have a social side to them with an active discord.

Evenings are a MUST . Weekdays preferred . Weekends can be discussed. Two nights a week again a preference but three is doable.

DISCORD CONTACT : Sataraa#7094

Please be Thrall server.

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Reckless Impulse (Thrall, Horde) is looking for some dedicated WEEKEND raiders that will show up both Sat and Sun 1 pm -5 pm est (10 am – 3 pm pst) that understand simple raid mechanics to progress through Heroics into Mythic Ny’alotha, The Waking City and onto Shadowlands. Not a Raider – come check us out! Mythic dungeons are running daily so there is no need to pug them, we are a very laid back guild until raid time so no snowflakes or thin skinned individuals are welcome. We are currently in need of a few extra DPS. So if you are sick of that Pug Life hit up Fiftygold#1685 or Austn#1493 in game or [Discord: discord.gg/Gz2JM9]. Lets Get After it!!!

{Reprieve} 12/12H AOTC on the Thrall server is looking for more for 8.3. Most of us have ether CE experience in the past and/or present. Looking to finish our Mythic raid team with semi-hardcore progression 2-3 nights a week. Our goal is aotc and to push hard into mythic when it drops. Current schedule is Tues/Weds/Thurs (Until on farm) Midnight (12am) to 3am EST. In our off times we run plenty of high keys and alt raid run. We are a mature, zero tolerance drama guild . Most of us are in our 30’s with normal lives outside of Azeroth but we do not tolerate any drama.

Mythic Raid Team Recruitment:
High: Warlock (Immediate starting position)
Medium: Death knight, WW Monk, Boomie
(But applicants may be considered based on skill/exp)

Healers - Disc Priest (But applicants may be considered based on skill/exp
Tank - Closed

Mythic raid team members are held to a high standard of performance. You must be capable of surviving encounters with minimal failure damage and maintain proper DPS/HPS for your class. At this point raid spots are earned not given with the amount of raiders we currently have. As we recruit we do look at logs to see how you perform so please have some ready to view when applying. Anyone falling below tolerated levels (based on logs) or causing wipes may be replaced or removed from the raid team roster. Also having a strong OS or having an equal alt is highly recommended for raid comp. We HATE to have people sit because of inability to adapt (I.e. Both of our raid tanks have multiple mythic ready tanks toons.)

Add on’s:
DBM or Bigwigs
ERT (exorsus raid tools)
Angry Assignments (Mostly for healers)

Recruitment is open to all for social and mythic+ runs.

To discuss more with me please add:
Discord: Nephlim#6908

Or chat with one of my officers,

Healing specific people who are interested please add:

Still looking

Hey there, we might be a good fit for you guys, IF your shaman friend is willing to go enhance for raids. We are good on healers, however our priest has been wanting to go back to dps, so we do have a HPriest spot available for now.
Our guild took a hiatus after BfA release and just picked up raiding again with 8.3, so we had a little bit of a late start. Currently 12/12N and 6/12H.
Sadly we are not on Thrall, but I will leave our recruitment post below for you to look through, in case you’re up for a server transfer.

Thanks for the reply, the shaman is unfortunately not willing to go enhance. He’ll dps on fights that require one of the healers to swap but otherwise he heals. Thank you so much for your reply though :heartpulse:

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Still looking :slight_smile: