6/9M, 2/2H <Inconceivable> Recruiting HEALS & RDPS. Horde - Barthilas

come heal me please friends i promise i will protect you

Need 2 healers for our team and maybe some dps!

healing services required from the above classes

Seeking heals! pleasssseeee

Looking for a few more solid players to close out the group.

Seeking resto shaman!

looking for new healers. strong preference for restoration shaman

Looking for a shaman healer! Please message us.

still looking for resto shaman

Need 1-2 more healers to join the core Mythic team.

Need 1 more healer for our core team! Spots are filling fast.

lf new friends to raid mythic BoD with : )

In need of some dps buddies to join!

Need a mistweaver and some more dps!

Looking for tank and healer.

Hey Mate

Are you guys just doing Mythic Progression now? If so im happy to come as a Tank.

Still looking for 1-2 more for core team.

Need some M+'ers and Raiders!

Still recruiting for the roles listed above!

Recruiting for M+ and for our bench!