6/9M, 2/2H <Inconceivable> Recruiting HEALS & RDPS. Horde - Barthilas

Inconceivable on Barthilas - Horde is now recruiting!

We merged from a variety of guilds and most have played together since early WoW days and between us have a large amount of experience raiding top tier each year. We have a mix of outgoing personalities alongside hardcore M+ players who are very team-oriented.

We are currently raiding progression nights on Wednesday/Thursday/Sunday with Mythic + on Mondays.

Raid days and times: (GMT+10 AEST)

Wednesday/Thursday/Sunday between 8:30pm and 10:30pm (TBA 8.2 Change).

Currently recruiting:

Healers: (Solid DPS offspec required)
All classes considered.

Ranged DPS:
All classes considered.

Melee DPS:
Full - exceptional applicants need apply.


If you are one of the above or an exceptional raider and are interested please get in touch with the officers listed below.

1 Like
We are especially looking for an exceptional Warlock RDPS for a core Mythic Raid team spot.
Still seeking a Warlock DPS and a Resto Druid with DPS OS
Still seeking above updated recruitment advertisement.
New tank position has opened please see above, still looking for a ret paladin, resto shaman and resto druid all with valid dps off specs.
We are seeking a ret paladin, warlock, resto shaman and resto druid.
Hey. I'm a Resto druid I have boomy as my OS buts it's trash like super bad I have no idea how to play boomy. But I'm after a hardcore prog guild. But I need days. As I can't do Fridays or Saturdays
08/07/2018 07:45 AMPosted by Lissanna
Hey. I'm a Resto druid I have boomy as my OS buts it's trash like super bad I have no idea how to play boomy. But I'm after a hardcore prog guild. But I need days. As I can't do Fridays or Saturdays

Oh hey you commented on our post! :) Add me on battlenet Schnoz#11443 keen to have a chat!
We are open for new recruits.
We are looking for new recruits listed above
Still seeking a great warlock.
Updated recruitment post seeking above. Please get in touch if you would like more information.
In need of a few talented ranged DPS
Seeking one of the ranged classes listed above
In need of one melee dps and ranged.
Seeking more players to round off our mythic team
Seeking a Warlock, Resto druid and Ret paladin to round out our team.
Seeking offtank and heals