GY Camped by twinks

This shouldn’t be too long I hope.

Every single time you’ve claimed Heirlooms are anywhere near equal to twinks, despite being shown multiple times that they are not.

Claiming you’ve seen no complaints about twinks in the BGs you’ve been in, yet I was in a BG with you on my horde alt and saw complaining about twinks. Your word against mine here, as I have no SS of it. However, it’s also your word against your own, as here you are 4 days ago saying you saw someone complaining about a twink.

Though they were wrong, as the person you say they were complaining about wasn’t actually a twink, it’s still someone complaining about twinks, no matter if it was an actual twink or not.

Claiming multiple times that there will be a slippery slope if separation is re-added, and Heirloom/Enchanted players will be the next to be complained about and that people will just want them separated next. This goes against history, as a separation has already happened and there was no threat nor idea of Heirlooms being in a separate bracket during the years XP-on/XP-off were separated. There was complaining about Heirlooms, but that’s because during Cata and MoP they were wildly overpowered. (They may have been during WoD as well, but I legitimately do not remember anything from the month or so I played WoD)

Here, after I posted an SS of a handful of twinks GY camping, you claimed to see little difference between my gear and the twink at the top. There was a 200int difference most glaringly, on top of enchant differences, and my alt wearing heirlooms and the twink wearing dungeon gear with sockets with zero heirlooms equipped.

You’ve also previously made the same paranoid and delusional claims that Kang does frequently, of a hidden agenda and people using alts to make new threads. Neither of which have ever been proven. (At least, I have never seen any proof of it nor can I find any.)

I’ve almost certainly missed more than a couple of half-truths, dishonest tactics, or outright lies, but this took way too long as is. Scrolling through 14 days of posts, at dozens of post per day, has made my eyes tired.


Someone calling out a twink is not the same as complaining about them… is that what happened in the BG you were in with me?

That sure is weird because here you are calling it complaining.


Good catch, bad play of words on my part.

One day we will find out why this is happening.
Why did the GY get penetrated by the whole team?

That boomkin, was literally pulsating into the foot of the GY. :rofl:

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wish I could love this like 1000 times.

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That’s what I’m wondering too.

Thank you for your efforts sir. You really made my day.

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I’ll admit he got me on that one. But calling out a twink in BG chat isn’t the same as complaining. Maybe I read the word complaining so much from the forums that day :rofl: and my point still stands. Not all “twinks” that people call out are actually twinks and that is a good example.

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Do the people talking about how the team must have sucked not even play this game? I just got out of a battle ground with a level 110 monk twink with 51k hp landing 23k non-crit rising sun kicks while my hp is 26k total. Spinning crane kick alone did 25% of my hp. Or I could talk about the warrior in the 109 bracket that was doing an upwards of 80% total health damage with one bladestorm. It’s just the twinks that are here trying to defend Blizzard’s retardation in allowing them back into the normal brackets so they can troll everyone that is doing PvP to level up. Gear is literally 100% of PvP now. It doesn’t matter what class you play. If you have better gear, you should win the fight.


This is not being argued about. 110+ seems to be a crapshoot since it’s current content BGs.

Warriors seem a bit overtuned in most brackets, twink or not.

…I’ve been gy camped many times at 120 and I have gy camped at 120 too…

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probably because that boomkin was doing more damage than the other team combined not sure how you can even fight that when he can sunfire the entire team as soon as they spawn

americans with way too much money to spend(or mothers unaware of a missing cc) driving that down hard.

This is what you want us to believe

In truth, this is what has you all riled up

This is why. You basically just want it handed to you in your allocated time that you play.

I fixed your statements for you. You only play 4 months out of the year. You could care less about “new players”. In reality, all you want is your heritage armor and twinks are making you work for it.


Ok, sure. What ever you say. Sorry I triggered the snowflakyness in you bud. I apologize.

Glad we could agree.


Yep, let me know if you need a hug. I am a good hugger.

A programs controlling the movement!

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Lol I find this video hilarious. You know people have to be raging at this.

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