Guys, I don't think the faction lock is working

alliance players are too cowardly to roll PvP :expressionless: I don’t blame them

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we cannot rule out the possibility that absolutely nobody wants to be on the same faction as you.


There is no logic in your statement.

  • People flock to Horde for PvP racial benefits.
  • Horde quickly becomes overpopulated.
  • People who want to roll Horde don’t want to roll Alliance.
  • People who want to roll Horde that consider rolling Alliance are hesitant to do so because they don’t want to be vastly outnumbered. That’s not cowardice; that’s logic.

it’s really chill on Dreamscythe; I am running from Mulgore to Orgrimmar. this might be the least enjoyable part of new servers.


I had a fine time on dream for my lunch play. Horde made no muss no fuss. Level 5ish so far.

I even got lucky on the first spam guild invite I saw and took. Chill dudes in it. and a decent OCE player presense along side the US based players.

If we all stay…we have some people for the OCE/close by primetime that gets slow when west coast goes to bed. That would be cool.

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you didnt play nice, so now you get to play by yourself.

Cow and UD are good, but so are Dwarf and Gnome.

Orc is just bad, and people are idiots for playing orc; its popular because of the meme that it can RNG annoy anyone with a stun, but joke’s on you because I just heal zugs that dont care when the fleet of Jabronies zugs them its GG well played; should have rolled a Cow or UD.


Horde is for solo Q
Alliance is for Premades.

Best true statement I’ve read all day.

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Faction Lock makes zero sense when there’s only two servers.

The point of faction lock is to keep faction balance across multiple servers. So if one server has too many alliance, you send those alliance players to another server… but now with a single pvp server, there is no other server to send them to

It makes zero sense.

You make a good point but I guess theoretically they want the would-be horde players to make alliance characters instead

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racial benefits are the biggest lie ever, especially when paladin exists which quite literally is OP for group pvp if they aren’t a dumb dumb ret player.

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Why would anyone with half a brain roll alliance when we are confirmed to be progressing to TBC.

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Because you get to play with goat people!

Whether or not you think it’s a lie is irrelevant. It’s what people believe and what happens.

so 1% chance