Guys, give me a peek at your

One Winged Angel is great and all but damn this version just instantly makes me feel like a little kid again and that “Ohhhhh crap not you…” feeling when I got to fight him in the first Kingdom Hearts. I wasn’t expecting him at all lol

Just for you OP.

I also have a load of video game related music rather than something by “regular” musicians.

I know Fnaf can be cringe as heck but there’s some talented folks making music related to it

Same goes for stuff like MLP and Undertale.

Back when I played Overwatch I listened to A LOT of SharaX in games. It kept me hyper focused as I was playing Mercy and keeping an eye out for danger.
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I sadly don’t have a playlist as most of my music is on a laptop and I have been too lazy to transfer it to this cheap desktop I bought off a computer nerd.

So I have been listening to a lot of music via the YouTube – which is annoying because they added this “feature” to ask if you are still listening after a period of time because they think you might have fallen asleep or died.

So I have been listening to these bands which sound nothing alike:
Frankie Teardrop Dead
The Kundalini Genie
The Black Angels
and lots of 90s alternative playlists because I miss the 90s. Well, not really but sometimes. Nevermind.

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This song always just instantly puts me back to the 90s in my head.

it would take FAR too long for me to relate my playlist of 899 bookmarked songs however here’s probably the most diverse selection I could pick:

just a small limited selection of my song archives’ total sum.

Checking out all these this morning thanks everyone! <3

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Legit best song in console gaming I’ve heard in a long time.

A bunch of people, including myself, post tunes daily over in off-topic:

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Depends on my mood. Usually listen to pendulum, deadmau5, or Lakey inspired.

and now, for the encore!

and for those of us with darker inclinations, the dark edition.

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this is what i kinda listen to allot.

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Currently now back in my Sunmi mood, trynna do that iconic hand movement for the dance :wave:t4: :raised_hands:t4:

What is the point of this btw? Be honest OP are you going to listen to all the music everyone listed?

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Fun Cale Trivia. Nsync was the first concert I ever went to. Well. Hm. My mom saw motley crue when she was pregnant with me so does that count? She had a big guy friend stand in front of her so I was safe. I apparently kicked a lot during the drum solos. Thaaaaaaaat explains why I like drummers.