Gust of Wind Animation

10.2.6 changed Gust of Wind to the same animation as druids cyclone? Has this always been the case? I don’t remember gust of wind putting a dark cyclone around my character

I noticed that as well. The little cyclone/whirlwind thing is definitely new.

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I’m pretty sure that’s always been the case. I remember this being like that since at least WoD.

I don’t think we had gust of wind in shadowlands. They changed the animation to druids cyclone. Checked some videos from a few weeks ago to confirm.

Just checked it out after seeing this post. Think ur right. Interesting…. I guess. So random.

Seeing the slicing winds from plunderstorm, kinda wish that’s what we had

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It’s the Gust of Wind animation from Legion. They accidentally removed it when they brought the spell back in Dragonflight.

Well I am glad it’s back!

I’m not into the new animation. It looks like a negative effect is applied to me.

You mean Legion? Pre-patch at least. Cuz gust was added in the first Legion patch which is pre-patch. By then I consider the xpac prior to it pretty much over.