Gushing Wound Corruption Effect Reduction

The age of BM hunters and mages continues.


This was predictable.

If people really bought tokens for that then that’s just dumb. Why would you pay real money for a temporary power gain?


I said that back when it was on the PTR.

I was called a chicken little.

Now? I look prophetic if I must admit!


So completely hose peoples entire gear sets?

Yeah that’s an awesome idea…

obviously they want fire mages to have fun only…

fair enough I guess :man_shrugging:


My guess that it’s still usable just not as strong as it was.

I shall, once again, state that it was declared to be a giant yolo test from the get go. They have already stated it doesn’t work and not going to repeat it. They’re just nerfing outliers, in which this case is Gushing Blood so it makes the other corruption effects still attractive.

Serious lol @ dumping stacks of real cash on in-game items. Seems that an unforeseen benefit of borrowed power systems being a roller coaster is making paying for power that much more difficult and questionable.


This all happened way later then it needed to but they actually did it. Will they learn from it? I hope so.

HAHAHA. As soon as they make it somewhat available through their rng system, they nerf it.

HAHA. wow.


Honestly? Corruption system needed a few more months testing. Even an extra month would have made a difference IMO.

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So does that mean the legendary cloak needs to be nerf since it overshadowing everything else?
No right? Then it not a problem

Power from RNG good, Power from Commitment bad.

Embrace RNG, long live have-nots.


I mean, I told people from the get go in earlier threads it was idiotic to do that. However, you know the saying. A fool and their money are soon parted.


I really wish they wouldn’t make anything from PvE active in PvP. I thought when they started with these PvP talents that ruining stuff for PvE because of PvP was long past and done.

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Ugh really? As a DK this pains me to see a fellow DK being a moron. People should know better than to do stuff like this!

How about just increasing the amount of corruption on new GW pieces, and leave existing ones alone? As it stands I’ve got two of them that I’ll now need to find replacement gear pieces for since I can’t even cleanse and recorrupt with something else.

Blizzard is a small indie company. It’s not like they have 3 CMs well 2 since lore doesn’t post. Who’s sole job is to communicate with their customer base.

That might happen in a few months. Never know at this point!