This is an example of good communication. We have advance notice for several days ahead of the change
It is Blizzard’s fault when they yank the rug out from under them.
I don’t pvp, but I’ve seen people complaining about this corruption effect for a while, so it’s been pretty obvious for a while that it needed adjusting. But Blizzard waits until the eve of making it available to everyone and not just the lucky to drop this nerf? That’s shady as Hellfire.
How much more proof do you guys need that the corruption system has been a total failure?
Could Blizzard try announcing any kind of nerfs other corruption affix might receive ASAP?
Even if its just a plan in their minds, I would still like to know so that I can avoid dumping my echoes in to it.
Because I don’t want a corruption to be nerfed after I’ve spend thousands of echos on a high tier corruption affix.
IS is trash unless you get incredibly lucky… but it’s really the only option for some fights. For example. I can go into Mythic Shad’har and I can get 9 procs… or I can get 16 procs… or I can get 20 procs. If I get 9 then I parse blue garbage, if I get 20 then I parse high orange.
There is absolutely nothing I can do to influence this. I can do my absolute best and still have a massive variance of the damage i do.
Back in EP even though I didn’t have much titanforged gear I was able to kick out consistent performance on each boss assuming I played well.
Gushing Wounds provides consistency. They either need to cut the IS damage per hit to 1/10th of what it is and increase its proc rate 10-fold, or they need to just leave gushing wounds alone.
This change is objectively bad from an enjoyment perspective for PvE. Yes, it needs adjustment in PvP but they have nerfed damage in PvP before, why not now?
At the very least make it a SLIGHT nerf, like 10%, so that you can get lower but consistent damage or a potential for ultra-high luck with IS. I still despise that kind of system but at least it would make sense.
No way riot would be an upgrade. Riot at least tries even if they mess up a lot. and Riot actually communicates with players.
Actual pro parsing methods is to have the raid stop dps for the first 1-2 minutes and let the DH just build stacks so they can keep up a high stack for longer in the fight.
Cheesing aside, yeah IS is way too RNGy for me. And only a few classes really can pump with it with DHs being one.
The point though is things like IS and TD are amazing in their very selective ST and MT niche and GW is amazing at both. It’s the best ST one in most cases (for reasons you mentioned) and for a lot of specs it’s also one of the top aoe ones as well. For havoc the CD reduction one is there as well for pretty good at both but the CD reduction can more easily not live up to its sims based on boss mechanics that may not let you perfectly time every cd to gain the full benefit.
This assumes weapon unique corruptions like lashing void will not be purchasable.
A) When Blizzard arbitrarily decides to nerf something, it obviously causes a multitude of players serious frustration and they deserve any and all ridicule they receive for such actions. What if a player got their GW and decided to cleanse other pieces that are now more valuable and would sim better or do better damage? Are players supposed to hold onto that gear forever and never cleanse it because Blizzard may in the future decide to nerf their current corruption into the ground?
B) If I purchase a car and the vendor later decides it’s performing too well and comes and rips the engine out, is that my fault for purchasing the car, or the vendor’s fault for crippling my vehicle? I guess I shouldn’t have bought car?
C) I don’t have any GW and I haven’t bought corruption pieces, but this change is completely stupid.
This is so well said.
(giggles and sneaks Hamstar a cookie for which I am sure he is surprised)
The tendies can be killed. Gushy in the other hand, cannot. Gushy is a bleed debuff.
Guess we won’t be stacking Gushing Wounds afterall.
If they don’t delete corruption/azerite traits/essences in the 9.0 pre-patch, I will be sad.
Prepare to be sad. They’ve already said the Heart won’t be destroyed, it just won’t work in Shadowlands so we won’t be using it. If the Heart isn’t going away, neither are azerite traits or essences.
How is it arbitrary when people were complaining about it before hand? It should’ve been obvious since Twilight Devastation and Infinite Stars got nerfed?
I am a huge fan of putting things on a vendor but not coupled with a 35% nerf this late in the patch.
If Gushing Wounds is really the only corruption that requires tuning being on a vendor then treat it as the exception it is and just don’t put it on the vendor.
There is a difference between tuning and and nerfing. TD and IS were tuned and are still the strongest corruptions in their given scenarios.
EV was not tuned. EV was dumpstered. EV is no longer usable on any spec at any time.
GW needed tuning, but thiis overkill. Many specs/ classes were looking for the ability to stack gw to be competitive. Instead, specs like Arms, DH, Fire, and BM that were already strong, will get stronger stacking what they already were stacking and everyone else gets left farther behind.
If they don’t turn it off, we’ll have the same issue we had going from Legion to BfA where when people hit 117, their Legendaries would suddenly turn off and they’d lose a big chunk of their power.
They should turn all of it off and then have us become more powerful as we level and acquire covenant abilities/souldbinds/etc.
But it won’t work in Shadowlands, so there’s no need to turn it off. If the Heart doesn’t work the azerite traits automatically don’t work. It’s like taking off the Heart now. The traits stop working too. Players aren’t going to make it to 55 or whatever the squish equivalent would be before the Heart and the traits become useless. They’ll be useless from the start.
I would guess in the pre-patch we get items to replace the azerite pieces, or they’ll be the very first quest item pieces we get once we’re in Shadowlands.
That’s what I was saying in my original comment. So they will remove them…
They don’t really need to be replaced, if they just turn off the azerite traits and give each one some random secondary stats to compensate.