Gurubashi on the Horde

A little different. Forsaken and Orcs used to be enemies, true. But Forsaken have also always held themselves apart from the Horde and for most of their time in it have viewed the Horde as a means to an end.

As for the Huojin, they don’t have any history with the Zandalari.

The Night elves had some troll and human slaves many thousands of years ago, but I don’t think anyone would have grudges about that since it was so far in the past as to be inconceivable to most minds. Simply too large of a gulf of time.

But as for Darkspears, I’m sure within living memory of the older ones, and perhaps their children as well, they would remember or grow up with tales of the Gurubashi essentially hunting them for sport and enslaving them.

They may as well give us more troll tribes.

I wanna be the huge forest and ice trolls.