Gurubashi on the Horde

I don’t hate the Darskspear. Infact I critizie how poorly they have been handled since Vol’jin died. And pointing out that one isolated tribe who hadn’t had contact to the mainland for years might not be as smart as those who built cities doesn’t mean I can’t support them as a race as whole.

I mean, currently the Horde has the following people working together :
Orcs and undead Lordaeronians
Thalassians and Scourge remnants (even the San’layn would have joined the Horde in BfA had they not screwed up)
Forest Trolls and Thalassians/Shal’dorei
Zandalari and Thalassians/Shal’dorei
Kaldorei and Forsaken
Goblins and Zandalari
Pandaren and Zandalari
Shattered Hand/Mok’nathal and Ogres
Not even mentioning the various Orcish clans with a very shady recent history (the Dragonmaw, the Blackrock, the Warsong in some way…)

So having some Troll tribes normalize their relations with the Horde ? I think that’d be fine haha


Actually the Gurubashi should apologize to the Darkspear for ostracizing them within the Nation and ask the Darkspear to lead the Gurubashi + the Blood Elves should give Land Back to the Amani (who knows maybe Amani can magically restore the Ghostlands because Shamanism where Arcane magic fails)

For what exactly? The strongest leads in Troll society. The Darkspear chose to leave Stranglethorn.

Ghostlands is filled with scourge still. Whoever defeats them first gets the land. And I greatly supports a military campaign for the Amani where the stuff south of Tranqullien is reclaimed.

No that’s dumb

No it’s been almost two decades

Hope this helps!


Weren’t the final scourge remnants defeated in the second blood elf heritage quest line?


Yup, mind you I’d keep deatholme spooky and make it the Undead Elf Capital

Give it a makeover


They why did they came out of Deatholme again in that extra blood elf quest?

Why? Many tribal societies function that way. And Zul’jin rose to power by defeating every other warlord of the smaller tribes.

That would be cool actually. Lord knows the forsaken/undead need more interesting spooky places


Gurubashi joining The Horde would be worthwhile if only so I could roll a character that can shout “YOU DISSSSTURB DE PLANS OF GURUBASSSSHI LITTLE ONESSSS!!”

Underrated boss dialog that’s sort of burned into my skull from running that heroic over and over again when it was current.

It isssss too late for you! Haha, too late for ALL OF YOU!!

They don’t voice them like that anymore.

And now the Amani are kind of stuck in a rut, both in Quel’Thalas and they don’t seem to be going anywhere in greater troll society either. Their refusal to adapt is going to get them extincted, just like it does with a lot of those tribal societies you mentioned.

Same goes with the Gurubashi, the Sandfury, etc. Basically all tribes who were throwing a fit over Zandalar forming good relations with the horde.

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Gurubashi had the strongest empire even if most of it sunk beneath the seas. They would have won the war against Stormwind if Medivh didn’t exist.

Tbh I don’t see any other troll tribe (out of the main ones - Gurubashi, Amani, Sandfury and Drakkari (rip) ) joining the Horde. Maybe the lesser tribes such as Smolderthorn/Firetree, Bloodscalp or Frostmane, but not the major ones.

This, honestly.
Not that I would mind having the Gurubashi in the horde should they be so inclined but what we really need are Ice and Forest Trolls. There are still Drakkari left as of Exploring Northrend and we should help them rebuild Zul Drak since we did enough damage to them in Wrath when they were already battling the scourge.
And the Revantusk have been horde since Vanilla, it’s long overdue that they become playable and yes, give us Jintha’Alor as player hub please and thank you.

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Drakkari never went aggresive against anyone. It is quite sad how they fell.

I think the problem at root is that WoW wrote the Tribes, well, wrong

Gurubashi is a Nation, Gurubashi = Jungle Troll. Darkspear is a Tribe of that nation, next to many others, as they are jungle trolls.

Amani = Forest Trolls

Farraki = Sand Trolls

Drakkari = Frost/Snow/Ice Trolls

Eg Zandalari Trolls include both those in Zuldazar but also those in Zulahjin and what was previously Zuljan in Nazmir

They’ve played fast and loose and EXTREMELY inconsistently with how words work but this is the best system if we respect and acknowledge how IRL Amerindian and African traditional ethnicities work

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I’d retcon that slightly where a majority of Drakkari were raised in Undeath by latent Necromantic energies and actually have joined with the Nerubians, establishing an Undead Troll + Spider society

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I think this makes a lot of sense actually. Zandalar did take a pounding during the events of BFA. I can see how in the eyes of the other tribes their prestige may have been damaged. I really like the idea of a group of troll tribes who have possibly become dissatisfied with the Zandalari, but also realize that they can no longer go it alone anymore, and thus form a confederation of troll tribes. I think it could work as a way to make Azeroth feel less like it’s divided between the Horde and Alliance, because at the moment there really is no other faction on Azeroth that is anywhere close to their level of power.

I’ve thought about this, and I kind of feel like the Amani might actually be in the best position they’ve been in for a long time, if they can stop being do prideful and stubborn to take advantage of it.

With the scourge recently rampaging, and both the blood elves and amani still rather depleted this could be the perfect time to reach out to the blood elves, using and Zandalari and Darkspear to help broker a piece.

The Amani will likely never reclaim their empire, but this could be a chance to reclaim some of it through diplomacy. The ghostlands could be split between the two groups, there’s even a natural border with the deadscar. This way the Amani would get back a bit of land and begin to focus in rebuilding while the blood elves would be able to spread themselves a little less thinly now leaving the defense of the Amani’s side of the Ghostlands to them.

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That’s how I have it in MY AU with the addition that they’re given the lands north up to Duskwither Spire, and they establish a port there. (Not like it’s used much by belves to begin with)

Plus Farstrider Retreat serves as a “check point” between the two territories, as well as Lake Elrendar and its rivers

Plus, I had it so Jan’alai the Dragonhawk Loa and Halazzi the Lynx Loa also help broker the peace between them, vouching for the Blood Elves, at least the Farstriders, as also in tune and respectful of the land and the wilds as the Amani are, as they love their children as much as the Amani do.


oooh, very interesting. I’m not the most knowledgeable on troll lore, I had no idea there even was a dragonhawk Loa. I need to see them in game.

Edit: Just realized he’s already in the game.

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