Gurubashi Alliance Reconnections

Gyel, Gnome Mage
Abriel, Human Paladin

Eternal Conviction

Killstab, Briskk, TyWill, Peepster, Catelyn, Selmenor, Wiggler, Galiand, LadyDuffman, Braas, Denegroth, Brimol, Ninjamaster, other Eternal Conviction members


NE Hunter
Riddle of Steel


Nolan-Orc-Shaman NOTORIOUS
Nolan-Draenei-Shaman/ RIP

Alliance - Forceful Entry, Exanimus, Myrmidon, Forlorn, Ironfist,
and others I don’t remember.

Dwarf Paladin
<Destruction’s Wake>
Checking if anyone from around still plays. Still in contact with Hadden & Magepip if anyone also remembers them.
Add #DoberMickey#1399


Abronychus, Human Paladin from Sacred Unity. Looking for some Night Elfs I played with, and a dwarf pally. lol

discord - Daeddoty#9171

Saraiyu - human warrior.

I can’t remember all of the guilds I was in, but I was in one called < House of the Nine Swords > towards the end of Vanilla that I have a lot of fond memories of.

I’m not looking for anyone I’m particular, but I was active in the forums so I’m here just to see if I catch any familiar names. :eyes:

Discord: arie#3750

Appollon - Human Paladin
I was like 9-10 years old back in the day so don’t remember much but I remember the name Sanguinarians and raided MC + Onyxia with a guild so that must be them. If my name tells you anything, hit me up!

PS : I was probably that one kid that was annoying in Ventrilo and always ended up logging off at like 10 pm cause it was bed time! Fun times indeed. :wink:

I remember playing with a NE Warrior called Stamun, though.

Artovis #1493

Human Warlock
Guilds- Sanguinarians and Riddle Of Steel (so far i can remember)


Night Elf Hunter
Guilds - Tempest / Forceful Entry (for my GM grind)

Anyone that can remember me, long time ago, don’t recall to many names, to many years ago.

I remember you, I was a human rogue named Stevepyrate! I was in Riddle of Steel, and before that, Destructions Wake.

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Hi All;

Erren (Human Mage) from . Where’s Krohm and Bombada, Insypron, Whiskeyjack, Aenenu, Sgttreat, and many others. Good to see Tiradil, Stevepyrate, Feon, Clenise, are still around!

Lylie (Human Warlock) is still around as well. She was in Avante Guard. We are now horde side, Boulderfist .

bnet: Nota#11127
Discord: Notatree#5382


I was in a guild with Hadden & Magepip - we had Ony, MC, BWL, ZG, and AQ20 on farm. We were working on AQ40 and Naxx when TBC came out. I was the raid leader for the guild - my toon’s name was Meneldil (human pally)…they may remember me. If so, tell 'em I said hey!


Others we raided with were Marichek, Crimsonwell, Hellrazor, Healidude, Rezforpez, and Alliana. Obviously there were others as well but I can’t recall their names. We formed on Deathwing and then transferred to Gurubashi at some point. I don’t recall the name of the guild. I’d love to reconnect if anyone knows any of these folks.

My brother was the guild leader for Destruction’s Wake. :slight_smile:


I used to be a gnome warlock named Lewter. I played in a guild called Eye for an Eye.

Notables names from what I remember:

Grimgar (Ret Pally I think?)

Sidenote: If you’re still out there Zoobert. Don’t think I forgot about you ganking up Southshore every day for 2 years.

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Oh lawd I remember healidude & the guy who xfered called healidudes. Marichek was a warrior if I recall.

I remeber the guild called Man Bites Dog. My irl friend (Laphytaffy) still talks about them to this day.

Marichek was a warrior! We’re friends IRL. He was the best man at my wedding. Did you raid with Malice? Quaid sounds familiar…did you end up rolling a dwarf shaman for TBC?

Magepip - Destruction’s Wake

