GunPla and Gundam

GunPla. Gundam Plastic model kits. Think Anime Mecha action figures you build yourself. They very in size and difficulty from 1/144th scale to 1/100th scale to 1/60th scale. Usually marked as HG High Grade, MG Master Grade, and PG Perfect Grade. They can take hours to days to build depending on the kit. Some MG kits sell separate L.E.D. kits to light up certain parts, All PG kits come with light up parts. They take those thin silver watch/hearing aid size batteries.

Any other builders building or painting/detailing while sitting in the DPS queue or when farming mats for alts? Finished MG Musha. Workging on MG Musha MK. II and MG FAZZ ver Ka, waiting for PG Exia Lightning Mode to become available again. Tempting myself with PG Strike Freedom.

I’ve got MG Wing and MG Tallgeese on holders displaying them in combat from the OP in my living room. Wing Started my now decades long obsession with the Gundam Franchise and I will get all the MG kits of that series and display them on my work desk. Some people already confused the PG Zeta Gundam for a Transformer but that can’t be helped.

Any other fans of this 40 year old franchise that paved the way for the likes of NGE? Taking the Giant Robot genre and turning those Sentai/Power Ranger mecha from the superheroe trope into machines of War used by the Human military and the Hell of such wars.

Ah! I was gonna make a thread asking if anyone else built Gunpla! Happy I found one. I literally just built my very first one the other day. It’s an SD Unicorn Phenex and I love it to pieces! I still have 3 other SD’s to build: Barbados Lupus, Guan Yu Nu Gundam and Long Xian Unicorn.

My BF loves Gundam so I took up building Gunpla so we’d have something to do together and I love it! He has a…MG Wing Gundam and a…I think it’s a RG Sinanju and I have two of the P-Bandai clear Gundams on order for him

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Barbados Lupus is a beaut of a kit. I have a few SD kits too. the 3 set of Quebely’s, Char’s Zaku, and few other’s I can’t remember atm. post work haze and all.