Gul'dan Horde Reconnections

I remember seeing you around but I don’t think we were ever in the same guild. Also I remember Phen and of course Opalsblossom!

<— Nforce troll shadow priest from AMUS / Exaltation Hey guys! How have you all been?

Sup g

As a heads up the bulk of the AMUS crew ended up rolling Kromcrush horde!

Polynikes - Troll Rogue

Guild: Ancient Fear / Confirmed

OMG! I found you guys =) It’s me, Cachero, the moonkin. I have the picture of us! You can see Dirty in the second person in the raid frames. I would love to connect with you all, still playing my same character. Trying out moonkin in classic right now as well. I have URL for picture but cant post it here – Send me a message in game! Chach#11892

Hey Everyone!!

Cachero - the Moonkin! I was in Confirmed, Midnight Reign, The Prophecy, and more. I made so many friends I remember most of you guys. Let me know if there is a Classic server yall are on. Have lots of screenshots =-)


The Revelation

Started up an awesome guild on Sulfuras for classic. Old rev or old friends hit me up.

I remember a lot of these names and I probably spent countless hours with you all in BGs. I was Blazin, F Orc Warlock.

Totally late to the party here, but:

I played a F Orc Warlock named Blazin with the guild The Revelation. This was spring-fall 2016. Rank 13. A few names I remember:
Lilith - my Warlock brother, after Blizz forced him to change his character name
Naeen - lots of memories chasing you down in WSG as you ran the flag
Fireace, Blaze, Spaztik my guildmates

Fond memories playing with you all, Alliance included, and apologies in retrospect for all of the open-world killing I did to get honor points, lol. I’m planning to play casually again, would love to know if anyone’s still around.