Hello i remember most of these guild on here…brings back memories lol!! I was in the guild Artifact that later on joined into a bigger guild contemp. I was a troll healer juwanaheal. Good to see yall back… Sux about Defiasfist he will be missed.
@Sargatanas bb Horde for life. Contempt group is looking like we are playing Horde on Herod for classic (EST PVP realm). Have about 20ish returning players, also a small group is playing the current content on Gul’dan. Any old Contempt players or Gul’dan oldies hit me up for details. I’ll try to check here resonably often but in game you may have more luck Leomaris#1416.
fifo Rank 14 Warrior!
Tempttress here!
Undead Mage(mage tank ftw)
Ryuuk, Undead Mage
LF Kanako, Bulk, Venizuela, Badboyz, Duldregg, Bangboat, Lucchi, Creaos
Tauren shaman
Ancient Fear
Puunjab Reporting in.
Cool - I’ll try and hit you up in game this week. I’ll grab my name there tonight, too.
Tasha, we’re thinking Grobbulus (RP-PvP) for the server. Any major objections?
Grok- Orc Warrior
Guild: Lobster Bisque
Looking for Jarvilbunk/Dwak, Renzo/Rubin and anybody else that might remember me!
Rottingevil- Undead Warlock (Later, Stormwarning)
Guild: Power Unrestrained
Looking for old friends and guild mates alike.
She’s still active and I have her as my Bnet friend. I’ll give her a heads up if you want to say hello.
What’s up man! Reconnected with some of the folks with amus and gonna be rolling on a server together if anyone is trying to get back together.
Yes! We are currently on Herod … but I reserved a name on the other east coast servers also. iD jmocny#1493
Hold on what happened to me? And hello!
I’m Turpis from Regalators, Troll Rogue
We rolled in a coalition called weekend warriors
I’ll be on Herod with Volraithe and hopefully others
This is me too
Drmarc said in a post that you had past away shortly after starting this thread. happy to now your still kicking it around. My apologies Defias. Also I sent you a friends request …I hope its cool wit you lol. Criter#1612
Yeah I scrolled up and read. Think he meant how I went MIA lol. Just accepted !