Guilds using multi-boxer warlocks to lockdown world bosses

Where did I say I had an issue? I have repeatedly said I am grateful for what they are ‘not’ doing. Since I made it up.

Thanks rp server for this thread, can’t believe this is an issue. How do you even have problems on a server where people can’t gank you?

LOL “I don’t have evidence but let me accuse you of stuff and then edit all my posts because I’m a little boy and daddy told me to” GTFO nerd bring back the weirdo that whines about multiboxing

Some of us dont accurately convey what we want to on the first pass. I would rather edit it to be more accurate than let it stand.

How are you kids even complaining about this. Try to get a worldboss on pvp then get back to me about how hard some dude multiboxing makes it

“We’re all born naked and the rest is RP.”


I know right man, next they are gonna complain about a level 1 warrior called Blìzzard hacking accounts on the server

Oh man I can’t even imagine. I feel like my scouts would be just constantly dead somewhere lol I could see Kazzak lasting two or three hours.

I kinda want to start a rumor that you get a rare version of Kazzak if you fill the little crater up with gnome bones…

Exactly, I was just trying to tell people not to bother unless they are willing to go hard and do what needs to be done.

Was telling my guild that for weeks after every failed attempt. Either we go hardcore or dont bother.

This is my thinking

It’s the same as X amount of individual players controlling a location

“You must place yourself above the community, duck the rest.” -RuHydd

“I believe in using all the colors in the crayon box.” -RuPaul


so basically is you want to do less than others but get the same reward?

yup. sounds like 2020 alright


“I feel like you’re being sabotaged by your inner saboteur.” -RuPaul


before horde left heartseeker we did fight horde once when we were too slow to get a full raid there in 15 mins at 3 am and it took us fighting their raid over an hour to kill azzy

Blizz changing the game to make it hard for multiboxers and bots now. Who’s laughing now?! :smiley: Your multiboxing tears are delicious to me. Well worth the wait. QQ GG

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That has nothing to do with multiboxing. Anyone could do this without any software and with only one account. You just need two other players with warlock alts.

Yes, delicious tears! :smiley:

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Botting has nothing to do with my running my characters through dungeons.

You’ll get over it. :smiley:

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