Guilds using multi-boxer warlocks to lockdown world bosses

Hi! I’m that multiboxer that you’re complaining about! :slight_smile: I’d like to refer you to this resource:

One person (even a super-duper multiboxer like me!) can’t hope to counter an organized group of dedicated, skilled individuals. You know, like the guild I belong to. :smiley:

I am not the cause behind you and your guild not getting 78 of the 87 total world boss kills for our server, since they started. For the record (and you can check this on classic wow logs or some other resource my casual multiboxing self isn’t aware of :smiley: ) I’ve only been present for maybe 10 (?). Something else is the cause for you not getting your desired kills/loot - perhaps try taking some personal responsibility for the situation and addressing it by… you know… playing the game in a way that seems to have been successful for others?

You’re exposing your ignorance here.

If you really wanted loot, or a “fair” advantage, perhaps you should ask Blizzard to create a loot lockout for world bosses - “your account can only get loot from this boss once every two weeks” or something along those lines. Look - I’ve played on multiple characters in raid groups that your guild has been nice enough to host, and we’ve had a very good time playing and I’ve appreciated the opportunity to enjoy the game with you guys. Our guild isn’t full of jerks, and neither is yours. If you want to vent about something, and are feeling at a disadvantage somehow, be productive and positive about your feedback and work towards a healthy, amicable solution.

Eliminating multiboxing from the game isn’t going to get you more boss kills, I promise you that. Multibox summoning is nothing more than a convenience for a group of folks that already is dedicated and skilled enough to begin with. If you want to match us and have an equal chance at kills and loot, assemble a dedicated, organized, skilled raid force with individuals willing to take the time and make the effort to do the same things that we do.

But really - don’t take it out on my multiboxing backside. :smiley: If you want to chat more about it, I refer you to my thread that I posted on our server forums not long after Classic was released: