Havent played since launch, made a new account recently, keep changing my mind and leveling new chars (highest is 40). Seems a lot quicker than it was at launch.
So far I’m liking the weapon swapping and its influence on having multiple phases of combat.
For people playing wow and gw2 is there any particular form of content I should be rushing to do? Which expansion is worth paying into first? I was thinking of just buying them based on the elite specs I wanted to unlock first. Also is wvw fun or only on certain servers? I don’t mind paying for a transfer but I don’t want to be paying for them constantly to be chasing the balanced realms.
I’m still early in GW2 because I’m playing at a snail’s pace, so I cannot say much. All I know so far is that everything combined is one continuous narrative, so it’s best to play them in order.
Guild Wars 2 level cap is 80 and it’s never changed. So no need to rush into anything.
For content flow, if you want story, then this is the story order:
Personal story
Living World Season 1
Living World Season 2
Heart of Thorns story
Living World Season 3
Path of Fire story
Living World Season 4
The Icebrood Saga
End of Dragons story
Secrets of the Obscure story
Path of Fire is where you will get your mounts that make world traversal much easier. They are also very fun. You may want to do Path first if you do not care at all about the plot.
Living World and Icebrood Saga cost gems, they do not come with the expansions. It’s stupid but ArenaNet is no longer making them for a reason. All map expansions are available as part of the initial expansion purchase from End of Dragons onward. The Living Worlds are VERY important to understand the story but if you want to skip one then skip Season 2. Season 1 is free, 2 continues from it but it doesn’t offer much in terms of gameplay and you can just watch the plot stuff on youtube.
Skip the first expansion and jump right into the second to get the first 4 mounts. Then go back to the first expansion so the zones dont drive you out of the game lol…the difference between the vanilla zones and the expansion zones are…massive to say the least. Those zones are as big vertically as they are horizontally and if you only have jumping (and gliding which you get right away in expac 1), then those zones are a PITA to get around in.
As for content, once you have those early mounts, youll fall in love with some of the expansion zones meta events.
With WvW, its up to your playstyle if you find it fun or not also if you find a guild taking part in it. The world you are pitted against is random and changes so its never always dead or popping hard but can be quite often.
Edited to add, dont sleep on the living world stories. Some of them come with a LOT of zones and 3 & 4 give a decent amount of trait points which you will want for training up mounts, especially once you get the flying mounts.
GW2 is much different to WoW with the way content is handled. There is no need to rush anything in Guild Wars 2 because all content stays relevant forever even low level zones.
I personally would purchase expansions based on what elite spec you are interested in. The raptor mount is unlocked permanently with the purchase of any xpac. Xpacs pre Path of Fire which is just Heart of Thorns and the core game weren’t designed with mounts in the game so the raptor will suffice in that content until you get Path of Fire.
As for WvW. I think servers are relatively balanced because you get paired with different servers often and if you decide the server you are on isn’t it the first transfer is free so I wouldn’t stress too much over this.
I would also recommend joining the community discord server. A ton of helpful people there.
Going to have to refute this part. Without the second mount, he will have major issues getting the items needed to pick up the flying mounts. A lot of those items are high up and having the vertical mount will prevent him from losing his mind and I recall actually NEEDING that mount to get to several of the eggs, even gliding. You cannot get across the scar in that one zone without the combo of both glider and jumping mount as the ground triggers lightning.
This is unless you have a friend that can get to them and you have teleport to friend items to get to them.
Griffon and Skyscale were added with PoF content. I am talking about Heart of Thorns and the Core game which never had mounts thus not designed to need them.
You are right, I misread that as you telling him that he only needed the raptor through path of fire.
So new refute. having the second mount will save his sanity in Heart of Thornes zones due to the insane verticality of them. Being able to jump high instead of trying to find the way up to everything is a boon.
I’ve tried GW2 a few times but could never get into it. Don’t know why because it ticks all the boxes of what I usually like. I think it’s just the UI and aesthetic design is a bit of a turnoff.
For me its definitely GW2 but that is going to be subjective. My biggest issue with New World is the end game RNG with crafting etc… but there is still plenty to do for casual players if wide swings in RNG endgame don’t bother you.
GW2 just feels slightly more solo friendly to me with collections and personal goals than New World and the artstyle and combat pacing isn’t very far off from WoW either.
New World also doesn’t have a free trial so if you end up hating it your out of money.