Guild Upgrades

With cross-faction guilds being a thing and cross-server guilds coming up, what kind of things would make you happy to see as far as upgrades? What are guilds missing that would be a nice quality of life add? How could Blizz make guilds more appealing?


I have a whole laundry list, but very high up there are tabards with better icons and higher-res textures in general.


You know what I really want across the board? Updates that make communication easier–better chat interface would be wonderful with more tools to use, as well as just making it possible to talk cross-faction in general.

WoW is an incredibly lonely game. What little community is left could really use some help staying in touch.


Guild Halls. Seems like a nice compromise to player housing.


This. I would very much like to have higher-rez textures, more color options, more icons (and specifically more icons that look like they would be used in-universe), and a less-painful tabard design UI.

I would also appreciate a small expansion of the number of ranks you can make. Even just an increase from nine possible member ranks to fifteen possible member ranks would help with RP guilds that are organized into chapters or similar.


I want chat upgrades as well. WoW has not kept up with social media. I want gifs/giphy in guild chat.


I played an old MMO years ago that had super hero bases. Was really a cool concept. You could build up the base and at one point you could have base raids. Very fun for the whole group.


More Pixels
More Tabards/textures/colors/styles/borders/etcetc
More Icons
More Guild Standards
Various shields w/ guild logo / colors
Various weapons w/ guild logo / colors
Various hoods w/ guild colors
Cosmetic staff that has a guild flag at one end, so peeps can represent in formation. (give everyone a “standing at attn” / “at ease” idle animation)
Camp Tents w/ guild logo

Guild armor BUT individual styles - plate style, mail style, leather style, cloth style BUT is not armor specific rather cosmetic (i.e. Priest could wear something that looks plate)
Customizable guild mounts (maybe saddles? / armor color like the dragonriding armor?)

The ability to create “sub logos” in a guild, with different colors.

There’s various toys that create music. Why not allow leader to choose a “guild theme song” and a purchasable toy that plays it?

Also, we now have backpacks in this game. Maybe backpacks w/ the guild logo / colors?


Guild Strongholds, like the player strongholds in WoD or the guild ships in SWTOR would be cool! I’m not holding my breath for that though lol



Benny Hill theme song? I feel like most of the guilds I’ve been in would be best represented by Yackety Sax.


Building on this: Armor should have parts of it that will change color depending on your tabard scheme to make it EXTRA swanky when you wear the full kit and kaboodle.

My own opinion: The ability to summon guidmates via a guild toy or whatever. Similar to a dungeon summoning stone or warlock ability.


Yes, please.

Also, I am constantly told that WoW is “high fantasy” so medieval / renaissance type armor / gear, etc doesn’t really make sense and they should just stick to enormous shoulders and nonsensical armor sets. Blizz should pay RP servers a visit once in a while. The number of guilds that inhabit the RP universe in this game that would KILL for normal armor and weapons?

I really wish Blizz would cough up normal looking armor.

I want a legit suit of armor that doesn’t have extra weird things attached to rando parts, that ends up making it look like someone puked up technicolor space junk.


I’m giggling manically at the horrors I could inflict on a guild with this technology…

Yes sir. It’s way too easy for a dwarf to get lost in all that weird armor. I imagine one shoulder pad probably weighs as much as a gnome and a half.

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Permissions being user based as well as rank based. Example: Discord.

Certain permissions given to only specific slots in the guild bank or to specific players and not everyone of that rank (too few of ranks to really give some permissions).

Also having a whole group of permissions ALL being granted to anyone with Officer rank is dangerous. Why not just being able to give permissions for MOTD or Guild Finder App settings without ALL of those being paired into one be-all-have-all officer category.

Also…something to entice guilds to be meaningful again would be nice. Yeah…the extra gold thing was a bad idea for the solo player as it created an environment where some guilds used addons to be these HUGE mega-guilds to generate a free gold farm essentially, but having their own “guild currency” based off of guild members involvement in weeklies or dailies besides just the basic Mythic + dungeon group bonus thing would be nice.

We have not had ANY new guild Achievements that reward anything like a pet, transmog, toy, or a mount since Warlords of Draenor. Only new guild achievements are Guild Hall of Fame and Mythic Plus based, and only reward a title now.

Let’s give guilds a reason to be in a guild again.