Logged in this morning, no guild UI.
Tried /reload, restarting the game entirely, deleting my WTF, Cache, and Addon folders… nothing.
Tried restarting my cvomputer, hard powering it off…
come on blizz I’ve got inactives to kick before I can start recruiting this morning, and I gotta do that before I can finish TW, which has to be done before weekly torghast. I’ve got things to do and your UI has caused it all to come to a grinding halt.
Several guild members are reporting the same situation in discord
Edit: scan and repair just finished and told me no repair was necessary
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OK, so you can’t kick or recruit, so skip steps 1 & 2 of you list and get on with your day. Not sure why you can’t complete TW or Torghast just because you can’t kick inactives and recruit.
same problem here.
joined a guild today, chatted a bit then had a dinner break.
Came back online to see I’m not having a guild UI, or chat feed, despite people seeing me as online and on the roster (those that still have a UI that is).
A blue confirmed yesterday it’s a known issue and being looked into.
I’ve had the same issues with an alt/bank guild.
You can still do roster maintenance using commands.
The /groster opens a separate window where you can see your roster and promote, kick, change permissions, etc.
I haven’t tried the recruiting function though, so not sure if that works.
Edit - I’ve also tried the stuff you listed, OP. None of it worked for me. I did submit a ticket, but afterwards found posts on the forums indicating it’s a known issue.
Small independent company, you see.
Same. I found something in the support forum that started almost 2 weeks ago. Apparently, Blizz is “working on it”.
something I’m seeing in general chat is “try being kicked and reinvited to your guild”
unfortunately, I’m rank 1 in the guild. which means there will never be someone in the guild that can gkick me.
I did all that, too. And I switched my GM status to an alt and left guild and came back. Nothing works.
See my comment above though about using commands - they work and you can manage your roster.
Oh trust me, this isn’t limited to just her. Support forums is starting to blow up with it.
I should know, I recently joined a guild and can’t hang out with ANY of them in game due to this issue. If Blizz doesn’t fix it soon, I’m going to start making comparison to WoD Garrison isolation.
…Oh wait.
at least Garrisons we were choosing to be isolated.
Hey, they may be hiring so go put your application in. Maybe they can use your extensive programming knowledge and expertise to fix it.
Honestly with my admittedly rudimentary understanding of programming–it’s probably just inefficient programming. Tight programs really feel less and less common nowadays. Look at how many programs have memory leaks nowadays. I don’t remember that being a thing years back.
I remember back in the day if my Lua or Java games had memory leaks, that was a sign there was something very wrong.
Right? As opposed to hand wave it’s the norm, now?
Although I can only blame the programmers so much. Went to college twice and the second time I went the quality of teaching had nosedived. Same with on job training. Everyone wants to do sink or swim, then wonder why they’re treading water all the time.
EDIT: Also, hello neighbor.
I can only imagine what it looks like under the hood after 15 years plus add in to how many hands have been on it as well. It’s probably a nightmare to work with.
Even if I could I wouldn’t.
They like giving out nine digit bonuses immediately before axing staff.
Atrocious. No one should be giving their money to a company like that.
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Oh it’s almost certainly spaghetti code. I’m not going to bother denying that, lol
I went to whisper you and it said you were offline. D:<