Guild Tabard customization update

Is it me or are the guild tabard customization options a bit dated compared to a lot of the new tabards? I would like to see what some of you have to say about this do you think it is in need of an update?


Considering we haven’t had an update towards the guild tabard since vanilla I think it’s long overdue


I can’t be 100% sure, but I think they did add some icons somewhere around BC or WotLK.

That said, yes - guild tabards are awful. I can’t make one that I’d be willing to wear, much less expect anyone else to.

They seriously need an overhaul, or more likely a replacement.


Yes. HQ designs, new designs, new accents


Oh thank goodness someone has already posted this! I have been telling my guild that I hate our tabard forever. Here’s our demands Blizzard!:

  1. More icons to choose from
  2. Two tone icons that allow us to add more color
  3. More colors! We can’t even match icons and borders to the same color
  4. Options to remove the icon from back
  5. Option to change background to 2 colors either vertical or horizontal fade or split
    Bonus Idea guild achievements unlock rare icons or accents to add to the tabard. Maybe gems or jewels or a shiny effect if your guild defeats mythic raids or pvp achievements

Thanks. :):kissing:


I remember when nearly every Guild Recruitment post in Trade Chat had this line somewhere:

We have an awesome Tabard.

I’m bumping this post since this is exactly what I came here to say. The tabard picture is so small, I can barely see what I’m designing. One icon in the center is the only option? Copying Diablo 3’s design system would be is just one idea.

Has this really not had an update since Vanilla? It needs it really bad.

bump because i came here literally to post this.
it’s long over due, they have’nt updated them since vanilla and no one is wearing them anymore because they look dumb. update needed

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It’d be real nice to get some Tabard updates.

Perhaps make them work like the new tabards in SLs where theres more of a belt setup attached.


I always think more mogging options and ideas are good for the game. We’ve had the same tabard in Frostwolf since I made the guild years ago. I wouldn’t mind an updated system to tabard creation, and graphics.

While I support this idea, it would have zero effect on my guild. They have absolutely refused to change the guild tabard (which I think is hideous) since the guild formed in the original beta waaaaaaay back when.

:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Heck yeah. With crossrealm / faction guilds and warbands coming, we SO need a revamp. Doesn’t need to be huge, just give our tabards the high resolution treatment, and new imagery that isn’t just mirrored art!

ps please give us some horse motifs! or pegasus or unicorns and dragons!

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Some higher rez/textured tabards would be nice.

In all my years of playing I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone with their Guild Tabard mogged


Would be nice if theyd fill it the gap around the waist.

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I really wish they would update the tabards to HD and please please fix the interface. I can’t even hardly see what the tabard borders look like without getting a magnifying glass. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I think they do need an update, along with guilds in general.

I’ve always liked tabards since before even playing WoW, or there was a WoW. lol Used them all the time on my D&D characters. It would be nice to get an update. Maybe even offer some alteration options based on rank.

I am bumping and necroing this post, as we still need some much needed tabard updates

Not just for higher resolution, and better UI. But also more icons, better color match ups and honestly more color choices. Allow guildies to customizetheir personal guild tabard, keep the same guild symbol but, let them change colors and boarders if they want.

Tabards have been a feature that has been in the game since the start, and it dieing out.

I barely ever see anyone take pride and wear their tabard of their guild. Its like tabards has been put on the endangered list and forgotten about.

Please update and dont forget about us