Guild: Synister (7/8H) 1 night raiding, Mon 7PM-10PM ST Seeking 4 reliable DPS to round out our roster for Mythic
We are a very family orientated group who have been raiding together since Cata, after a bit of a hiatus we have all returned and decided on a 1 night raid schedule, the core group has always achieved AOTC and progged deep into Mythic,
We are currently seeking reliable DPS (Hunter/Warlock/Mage/SPriest pref Range but all applicants considered) for ongoing Mythic progression, Synister is the perfect place for players with family commitments as we can offer reliable progression with just a single-day raid schedule,
Based on Frostmourne (Oceanic) we kick off every Monday at 7 PM running until 9.45PM with the option to go till 10 if it looks like a kill,
Regular M +10’s & above
Add Toots#1407 for further info & trials