Guild seeks homeless for Raiding and Mythic Plus

Hello, you homeless mfs we here in Values live the creed of our name. It is much more than a moniker. It is a way of life… you are homeless now don’t be homeless forever. Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8PM to 11:00 PM EST we have plenty of room, you don’t have to be lonely anymore. We are here for you…
You should be stop being a bish and apply today!
We could use a few homeless DPS ANYTHING BUT A CLOTHIE PLEASEEEEE we have ran out of robes…The priests and warlocks stole them all…to build umm a fort… or something…
We are desperately wanting to give a home to an ENHANCE SHAMAN!!!
Some homeless support would be nice too lets throw an AUG in there…
And we are always looking for those sweet sweeeet healersssssssss to abuse… MMMMmmm cough I mean treat with love and respect and give head pats to… Pally,Druid,Shaman would suffice and HEY you got a dps OS?? Well it sure be cool if ya did…ayyyyyyy
Country Roads TAKE ME HOMMMMMMEEE… to Values on Zul’jin
Also we have Kool-Aid
Contact Discord Viidel or BNET Viidel#1232

Raid days/times?

Wednesday & Thursday 8pm-11pm EST

Finally someone not afraid xD

Bump up the post
Bump it up
While your feet are stomping
And the post is bumping
Look ahead, the crowd is jumpin

Still looking for homeless. Also accepting vagrants, hobos, bums, and gypsies.