Guild SafeHaven Ninja'd Head of Onxyia

Stay away from raiding with guild SafeHaven. Went as a pug with open rolls and they Ninja’d the head of Onxyia.

You joined a Raid, They link the Discord URL multiple times. Loot rules we clear and standard for pug. Head was guild reserved.


i was on that raid and ppl thought that was a joke a 59 healer priest rolling on the head


Wait, how are you lvl 73 and playing classic? Oh i get it, not adult enough to post on your main?

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Clearly stated on the raid sign up in Discord. Thanks for the raid SafeHaven, looking forward to next week.


Yes people log into a discord as a pug and look at loot rules…box of rocks dumb.

Appears to be an opinionated segment. When technically realism plays a main role. Your invite did not state open rolls, you were requested to join discord. You either failed to follow rules laid by guild coordinating, or blatantly ignored them. Either way, you were not told it was open rolls. The logical decision which should of been made prior to accepting invite, or hell even after accepting invite. Would be to clarify loot rules. Especially if you were shirking your invited discord request. We realistically can not assume! Since you, apparently envisaged your own set of rules for a invited run. Who was at fault? The 35 people that knew the rules or the one (1) that intentionally shirked the requested guild discord request, and then failed to ask in text chat? Realism?


I’ve raided several times with SafeHaven. Their leader is top notch & easily approachable. Please disregard this individual who didnt read the loot rules. If you want to kill boses and have fun then I recommend everyone give SafeHaven a try!


everyone now knows they are a ninja guild and the entire realm will continue to know.

All you are doing by continuous spamming for them is giving them advertisement and showing how silly you are. Comments like “I want it. because I want it. For no other reason when because I want it.” just continues to show this.


vegeta was here

This whole situation has resulted in positive results. The notoriety got us many new recruits. I have also established the “FemalePriest” guide line in PUG/Alt run loot rules.

[2.3.C) The Ony head is Gated to Melee DPS, Tanks and Hunters over other classes. [The femalepriest rule]]

Thanks again, your more famous than you know level 59 priest named FemalePriest

Safehaven - Alt/PUG weekdays Raid leader.

This must not be going as they planned :thinking: :rofl: