Guild roster scroll keeps resetting randomly after 10.0

The position of your scroll bar on the guild roster pane is resetting constantly after the pre-patch. It always occurs if a character’s rank is updated but also occurs randomly without any input from the user. I’m trying to manage ranks for offline players that happen to be down the roster and it’s an absolute nightmare with this bug.


glad to know I’m not the only one experiencing this!

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Did you put in a ticket for it or just the post?

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In-game bug report. Tickets don’t do anything except result in the same thing while also potentially wasting a GM’s time.


Is there a way to know if Blizzard has seen this or do we need more people to reply they are experiencing it too?

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This is still an issue as of Tuesday’s minor patch to 10.0.2.

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This issue also seems to affect the guild news feed under the Info tab. It repeatedly resets under the same circumstance of any guild member’s state changing (online status, zone, level, etc).

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This actually started happening a couple of weeks ago for me. So it appears its still not fixed.

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Best workaround I can suggest if it’s a big pain is to do guild management at off-peak times when almost no one in the guild is online. It’s pretty much impossible with enough people online during the evenings for us.

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Yes this has been happening for a few weeks as well for me. Trying at any time of the day is annoying. Mine pops back up after a few second regardless if anyone logs in our out. It makes it hard to role and try to clean out inactive players.

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has there been any updates on this, seem this is still happening and also when hovering on a tool tip you need to hover your mouse repeatedly to keep the tool tip up. seems very similar

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Pretty sure this happens anytime someone from guild logs on or off.

Instead of reordering the list and going to previous scroll percentage, it just goes to the top.

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It happens any time someone’s state changes. This includes logging on or off but also occurs if someone levels, changes zones, gains an achievement, etc. The roster has been annoying to do much with since launch due to the amount of people we have online who are usually traveling all over the place to some degree. It happens far more often than just from logins/logouts unfortunately.

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As of today, 12/12/22, this is still happening. They have also never fixed the sorting by time offline problem either. /groster is a good fix for both, but it’s really, really sad to have to use an old configuration simply because no one can be bothered to fix the new one.

Not sure how they haven’t prioritized this, hope this also addresses the issue with tooltips randomly deselecting.

Bump, it’s miserable to do any guild roster things.

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This is happening to me and everyone I ask also.

Not only that, but it is not just the guild roster – it is profession windows with scroll bars too. If you have unspent specialization points, the game will incessantly pop up a “you have unspent points” tooltip, and if you are scrolled down on your list of craftables, the list will reset to the top every few seconds.

I have tried disabling all addons; and I have even recently done a full reinstall of the game with a full reset of the Interface/WTF folders in hopes that it will help some of the bugs I’ve been having.

Still happening for me, very hard to do guild audits. Anyone know a fix for this yet?

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I have come to the conclusion Bliz made this a feature since they have failed to address it. Doesn’t say much about their quality control or how badly their programmers seem to be about creating something to work properly.

Right now the main workaround is using /groster to pull up the legacy interface. It is not optimal but at least has not exhibited the scroll issue from my experience.